My Reaction To Your Reaction

Me and Wonder Woman

As the calendar year winds down, so does the end of my first year of regular blogging since the 90s. I started off sporadically, mostly writing about tech. I eventually began reviewing apps, something I still do - every single day for the last 265 days. In March I branched out into more personal, autobiographical stuff. Because that still wasn't enough to keep me busy, and because I got a free domain name, I started a links blog in June to share the interesting things I find online, hoping to find other people who are interested in similar things. I didn't have any idea if what I had to say would click with anyone. Lot's of people I follow on Mastodon are comp sci majors involved in advanced development and I'm just a guy who hangs out in the server room. I also started blogging immediately after discovering the current iteration of the indyweb, without spending any time learning the culture or the unwritten rules. In the end, everything worked out. The developer folks with the giant brains appreciate hearing about cool apps. The indyweb at large seems to have one over arching rule, try to be a good person.

Based on Mastodon comments, emails and some rudimentary analytics, these are the posts that resonated the most with people this year..

Non-Toxic Masculinity - My most widely read post was about my journey as an adult to redefine was masculinity means.

When I was younger, I was attracted to traditional masculine roles and activities. I played high school football. I enlisted in the infantry. My first civilian job after that was working in a men's prison. It's not that I now feel like any of those are bad things, necessarily, but I don't need all that testosterone fueled chest thumping and the intimidation and violence that go with them in order to feel like I'm a real man, whatever that means.

The Perfect Blogger I like to wite about the experience of being a part of this community and y'all seem to like to read about it. This post got a lot of reaction.

It's not that I want to see myself in every blogger, quite the contrary. I want to read women bloggers, trans bloggers, POC, millennials, Gen Z, international writers. I want to make my world bigger.

My Partner - It really made me happy that people liked this appreciation piece I wrote about Wonder Woman, my wife, Carol. I frequently mention her and I wanted folks to know why. I think I succeeded.

She has good genes does my wife. She is a careful eater and a devout exerciser. In her late 50s with 13 grandchildren, she doesn't appear to have aged a day from when I met her at a hundred-mile bicycle ride in 2011

The most popular posts from my links blog were ones I compiled of topics that the blogging community appreciates.

For Linkblog Fans - a collection of places where folks share the best of the Interent with each other

OMG.LOL is the Best Thing on the Internet - the home of my Mastodon instance, /now page and about page is awesome and if you don't have an account, you should.

Some Advice on Not Drinking - This was a no-judgment zone with some practical advice for anyone who wants to avoid alcohol for a night or for a lifetime, written from the heart.

For my fellow App Addicts, these were the most widely read reviews from 2024. People were really curious about these programs. This blog by far is the one people read the most with 280,000 hits since March. I'm happy to have the experience of writing for a wide audience and to share my hobby and experience with the world. I hope I have helped people.

FreeTube - Maybe the Most Underrated App | AppAddict

Applite - An App Store for Homebrew | AppAddict

ToyViewer - A Preview Replacment | AppAddict

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Rock and Roll Picture Show

Robert Plant

Rock and Roll will never die, but it is it aging gracefully? That's an individual call. There are a lot of rock stars forever frozen in time, including the various members of the 27 club: Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kim Morrison and Kurt Cobain among them. YouTube is full of vintage rock videos long predating the MTV eraof my youth.

We can always listen to the music of whatever defines rock and roll for us. In my case, that energy is best defined by one iconic album, Back in Black by Australian rockers AC/DC,. But rock is a visual spectacle as well as an aural one. Many of us had photos of our favorite rock stars adorning our walls at some point in our lives. In my case, the four color 8x10 photosof John, Paul, George and Ringo that were included with the White Album stared down at me all through my high school years.

Whenever I want to lose myself in nostalgia, I put on a classic album from one of my favorite bands and spend some time looking through collections of photos from the best best entertainment photographers of all time, who had dream jobs following bands around, going to concerts and getting paid for it!

Before They Were Famous - Over 150 Rock Star Yearbook Photos

900+ Best ROCK STARS ideas | rock and roll, musician, rock music

The Most Iconic Moments in Rock and Roll Photography

Clapton, Zappa, Elton John: Photos of Rock Stars With Their Parents

Home | Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

23 Iconic Pictures Of Rock 'N' Roll's Greatest Performers

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Bridges Link Sharing

Bridges Link Sharing
Bridges Link Sharing

For anyone who collects and shares links regularly, Bridges Link Sharing is a great tool to increase productivity by making the process easier. If you are collecting a list of apps to share on Reddit or links for a blog post, news letter or bibliography, this is a great tool to have.

You can add links to Bridges through the share sheet or the program's interface. When you save a link, you can accept the default title or create one of your own. Links are saved into folders which are housed in collections for a more granular differentiation. In the Bridges interface, you see a rich preview of the page, its favicon and hero image. It is possible to preview the entire saved page within the app.

When you're ready to export links, you can do it one at the time or by folder. The export choices are:

  • Hyperlink
  • Markdown
  • JSON
  • HTML
  • URL

There is also an iOS app for Bridges (priced separately) and all the data resides in a shared secure iCloud folder and syncs between devices. Bridges is $1.99 on the Mac App Store.

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Opting Out of Pop Culture


Disclaimer: I do not think people who have a lot of pop-culture knowledge are bad or that they are wrong for being familiar with things I know nothing to little about. Don't @ me.

I will admit to being mostly ignorant of pop culture, mostly because of avoidance. I don't think I've watched a network television show since season 2 of Survivor, and that's been more than twenty years ago. Furthermore, I haven't listened to a commercial radio station by my choice since high school. I was excited when Christopher Reeves made the first Superman movie in the 80s, but I've just about totally opted out of the entire Marvel Comic Universe. This means I've missed most, if not all, the top-grossing movies of all time.

I'm not a total cultural Luddite. We subscribe to most of the streaming channels and regularly watch them, but I opt for as much British TV as I can get (but not Doctor Who). I never watch the Superbowl or the World Series or the NBA Finals. The best I can do is catch a few stages of the Tour de France every July. I recently saw Gladiator 2 and today, Wonder Woman bought us tickets to see the new Bob Dylan biopic starring that kid they hold lookalike contests to match.

I rarely read books published within the last year unless I receive one as a gift. Beyond that, I love to read book reviews and keep up with what's hot but surfing the Internet has ruined my concentration skills and sitting still with a novel is just an advanced form of torture these days. I find a lot of modern fiction to be pretentious and difficult to read anyway. I'd rather stick with golden age science fiction or a good detective novel.I enjoy non-fiction, but that's hardly pop culture, is it?

What interests me not at all is celebrity news and gossip. I do not care one whit who is married to whom. I might pay attention if one of them says something political, just to make sure I don't give a conservative any of my money or brain space. So yes, I know about James Woods, Jon Voight, Kelsey Grammar, and people like that. I don't like them. I like folks like Bruce Springsteen and Beyoncé who, although they probably have no clue anymore what regular people are like, are still loyal to us when it comes to our country's leadership.

The closest I get to discovering new music is through Apple Music playlists. The genres I like are (other than classic rock) Americana, Alt-Country and Folk. Occasionally, they'll add in a group new to me or songs from after I stopped buying music, which was approximately 2006. Wonder Woman makes me listen to Nickelback and that red-headed English guy and various late-stage music that I occasionally enjoy, but not enough to learn anything about them.

Don't try to talk to me about super-hero movies or any of the other franchise series like Mission Impossible of the one where Vin Diesel drives cars. My eyes will glaze over, and I will move away from you. I don't know anything about Harry Potter apart from that the woman who wrote the books is a TERF bully who picks on Olympic athletes. I can possibly name one or two people from YouTube (Mr. Beast and PewDiePie)and one from TikTok (Gerron, the funny Irish guy). These days, I hardly even know any podcasters because I no longer have a commute where I can listen to what they produce.

I hope we can still be friends.

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Feedle - IndyWeb Information that Comes to You


I couldn't find an estimate of how many personal, independent bloggers there are who are active right now across all the many available platforms:, Bear, Scribbles, Pika, Tumblr, Blogger, and many, many WordPress sites. There are directories that list various blogs, like, a project I work on with JCProbably. You are welcome to submit your blog there if you'd like to be listed.

You should also submit your blog to Feedle, a search engine just for independent blogs and podcasts. Even if you aren't a blogger, Feedle is a great resource to find information from experts in many fields who aren't trying to sell you anything. If you have an interest, chances are someone is blogging about it. Every search at Feedle also generates an RSS feed you can subscribe to in your reader of choice, so that the articles come to you instead of you having to look for them. Every time someone posts about whatever you are interested in, the post will be added to your reader.

Feedle also has a few ready made pages and feeds you might want to bookmark. Here is how they describe them:

  • Top Stories - This is a collection of good, thought-provoking writing from the blogs and podcasts we have in our index. Discovered and carefully curated by our in-house AI tools. Whether a new take on a classic topic or a fresh voice on a trending issue, you will find something interesting to read here.
  • Digital Crossroads- Digital Crossroads is a mishmash of the coolest updates, deep dives, and quirky insights from across the digital realm. We cover topics like RSS, the Fediverse, and the latest and greatest in the world of social media. Crossroads is for anyone who's ever been curious about the behind-the-scenes of the Internet, the future of online privacy, or just loves a good tech tale.
  • Good News - Good News is our dedicated feed championing solutions-oriented journalism. Committed to countering the negativity prevalent in mainstream media, we spotlight innovative solutions, technical advancements, and human rights successes. By curating news with positive global impacts, we aim to foster informed optimism among readers, emphasizing real-world solutions and achievements rather than mere feel-good stories.
  • Hacker News Front Page - Hacker News is the golden standard when it comes to sharing interesting links on the Internet. However, not all of those are read-worthy. We decided to do something about it. This page contains a selection of articles that hit the front page of Hacker News and are worth your reading time and attention.

Follow Feedle on Mastodon

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Universal and Cross Platform Apps

App Store
App Store

The apps on this list are either free or buy once and use on multiple platforms with just a couple of exceptions. The links are to reviews of the apps that contain pricing information and download links either to the developer's website of the App Store. (or both)

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The Joys of Being a Grownup


I cringe whenever I hear some uninformed person going on and on about how easy people in prison have it. “They have it made. They get three hots and a cot and free medical care!” Never mind all the danger, the loss of freedom and the monotony, one thing prison does is infantilize the incarcerated. It takes away many of the privileges of adulthood.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be grown so badly. I loved talking to adults and hanging out with them when I could. Being an adult looked like the greatest thing in the world. You escaped from the dictatorship of your parents and your school, and you got to do whatever you want. I could not wait. I didn't even make it to the end of my senior year of high school under the umbrella of my family. Furthermore, I joined the military and left for basic training nine days after I graduated. Of course, that experience didn't involve a lot of freedom, but you definitely got treated like an adult. I got married a week after I finished that experience and by the end of the year, I had my own place, an income, and the freedom I always wanted.

Of course, commensurate with freedom comes responsibility, but I'm feeling hedonistic tonight, so I am concentrating on the freedom aspect of it. The true freedom doesn't come until your kids are out of the house and self-supporting. In fact, I would say that true freedom doesn't really occur until near the end of your days as a wage slave.

As I was nearing the end of my career, I'd been at my job for over a quarter of a century. I earned the maximum number of annual leave days each year that one can earn, and I never, ever, ever let any of those days go unused. I also had a huge number of sick days on the balance sheet. Every morning, I had the freedom to decide, “Do I want to go to work today?” I wasn't in the habit of abusing my privilege. I had people I cared about relying on me, but I knew in the back of my head that I could have a mental health day whenever I needed.

Other wonderful adult privileges I appreciate to this day or deciding when I want to go to sleep and when I wish to wake up. I had an enforced bedtime past my 18th birthday, and I hated it. I love to read, and being able to continue a book at night in a dark house while everyone else is sleeping is just divine. Likewise, although I do have to be at work on time, I can still get up as early as I want to be on my computer or sleep until the last minute. Nobody is the boss of me! We have to be grateful for things like that after being mandated by parents, our children and other circumstances.

Unlike prison inmates or soldiers, I can choose to wear whatever I want. I do the Steve Jobs thing where in public I go with the same style of pants and a black shirt every day. It's not a uniform, it's just easy, and I've been like that for years. At home, I opt for comfort and tend to hold on to shorts and sweatpants until they disintegrate. 

Oh — there's food too. I grew up in one of those “you have to eat everything on your plate” houses. There were only a few things I didn't care for, but my Mom made them anyway. I haven't had to eat a serving of green English peas since 1979. I'll never eat them again, either. I don't even have to worry about being a good example to my kids anymore. I can have cereal for supper and pizza for breakfast and no one is going to stop me because I am a gown-ass man and I can do what I want, and I love it.

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Use AI When It Can Help You - On the Cheap

2024-12-21 at 18

I'm not a heavy user of AI. I only occasionally have ways to make use of it in my job and hobbies. I have better things to fpo than to sit around thinking of things for LLMs to do more for me. There are some times, however, when I have had an occasion to use it. I use the advanced models of ChatGPT, but I don't pay 20amonthforit.Infact,mytotalbillforthepastyearofusehasbeenexactly15, billed in three separate payments of $5 each.

My suggestion to you is that you set up a pre-paid account with OpenAI. All it takes is $10 . You can set limits on your consumption if it makes you feel better, but it isn't needed. Once you set up an account, you can generate API keys to use with all kinds of software and services to use the advanced and any new models. Many apps are essentially free when you use your own key.

How can I set up prepaid billing? | OpenAI Help Center

Once you have your account set up, here is how can you get an API key to use elsewhere

How To Get Your API Key For OpenAI

Some problems OpenAI has solved for me:

  • Wrote a Python script today that edited 500+ markdown files (my imported bookmarks) from my Obsidian vault. It moved text in the form of an inline properties field for URLs from the body of the note into the YAML front matter. I knew next to nothing about Python.
  • Wrote a Python script tp convert a 300-line CSV file of quotes I exported from a program into 300 markdown files with the quote, the author and the associated tags.
  • Took a list of Mastodon user names and converted them to Markdown link back to the user's home instance and profile.

Some apps you can use your key with include:

MacTracker - Can You Call Yourself a Fanboy If You Don't Have This Installed?


When I began my career in Mac support, my first task was replacing hard drives in hundreds of Mac LC 575s along with adding an Ethernet card because we were getting Internet access in every classroom. It was a heady time. The new computers we were purchasing were Bondi Blue first generation G3 iMacs. Having come from the PC world, I needed reference material for all the new hardware I was being presented. One of my co-workers told me about MacTracker and for the last quarter of a century I've had a copy of this great app installed on every Mac I have ever owned or been assigned.

MacTracker is a stand-alone hardware and software database of every Mac model that's even been made. It gives you info on:

  • processor speed
  • memory
  • graphic cards
  • supported OS versions
  • price
  • storage
  • expansion options

MacTracker provides information on more than just laptops, desktops and servers. It also covers:

  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Apple Watch and
  • Apple Vision Pro
  • Newton
  • Apple TV
  • Apple accessories
  • audio displays
  • modems
  • printers scanners
  • storage
  • Wi-Fi products
  • operating systems

If you have even a passing interest in Mac history, you owe it to yourself to download and peruse this free app. If you are considering tinkering with vintage models, you definitely need this. The program lets you add computers to a section called "My Models" if you want to compare the different Macs you own or have used. It has limited serial number lookups if you are unsure of the model you are working on. You can link to MacTracker from other apps. Each model listed has information on whether it is considered still in support, vintage or obsolete.

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I updated my /now page - What I’m reading and watching, plus links to this week’s blog posts, the week’s best purchase, and the links I added to my personal bookmarks.

This Week's Bookmarks - Reading Skills, Holiday Recipe, Tech CEOs, Pitchforks and the Plutocracy, Photos of the Year, News Without Clickbait, See How Your Potential Neighbors Vote

My Internet Culture War of 2024

Purple North Carolina

My online persona (which is the same persona I am IRL) is a man who loves three things: technology, his wife and social justice. I mention all three of those things with some frequency, although tech is the only thing I do much consistent long form writing about. Aside from an occasional blog post, my political discourse is usually in the form of memes or micro-posts of 300 words or fewer. I'm often speaking to an audience of fellow travelers, rather than trying to convert Hitler's children. I don't expect many conservative people to even read what I write unless we established a relationship around something else that is strong enough to survive my low opinion of the MAGA crowd.

Mastodon is where I spend most of my social media time, having made nearly 6,500 posts since I joined in January. I cross post most of what I write to Facebook, Bluesky and Threads since I want to promote my writing to as big an audience as I can. I've been on Facebook for 16 years. I stay there mostly to keep in touch with family, although I have numerous friends because of a viral post I had in 2017. It's a horrible place run by a horrible man. I acknowledge that. I hope that Bluesky continues to grow. It's a good place to interact with people outside the advanced tech and blogging crowd that I've met on Mastodon. I joined Threads on the first day, like 18 million other people. I spend very little time there because I don't like the algorithm. The posts I see are not interesting to me, and I don't have the time and energy to do much more than cross post there.

Today, I made an observation about Elon Musk's growing influence over the Republican Party. He threatened a group of Republican House members if they supported a bi-partisan bill that the Speaker had agreed to that would have ended the budget stand-off. The bill contained disaster relief funds that are much needed in my home state, NC, which received $16 Billion is damage from a hurricane in October. What I wrote touched a nerve on both Meta platforms, and I had hundreds of people react and comment on it. 

Here's what I said — Elon Musk took actions yesterday that cancelled Hurricane Helene relief for Western North Carolina.

I got lots of support because as I said, most MAGAts long ago should have ignored me because of the vitriol I throw in their direction. Surprisingly, though, there were still plenty of offended people who Meta thought needed to read Lou Plummer's take on the Washington cesspool today.

Their posts were just about all the same:

  • Nothing in Washington is Trump's fault because he hasn't taken office yet.

  • I made the whole thing up, and Musk did no such thing.

  • I am an idiot who believes what is reported by the media.

What was much worse were the nasty comments from Democrats who live in safe blue states. These people seem to think that 100% of the citizens of red states have Trump flags in their yards. They said things like:

  • It serves NC right because they voted for him

  • I hope NC likes what they caused. I have no sympathy for any of them.

What the hell? NC voted for Obama in 2008. We have a had a Democratic governor for the last eight years and just elected another one. The same goes for the attorney general's office and other statewide races. A lot of what has happened here is due to gerrymandering and voter suppression. Our GOP controlled legislature has passed numerous laws that have been overturned in the courts and backtracked on others, like the nation's first bathroom bill that cost the state billions of dollars in lost revenue because of boycotts.

There are people who somehow think they have progressive values, yet have no sympathy or feelings of solidarity with those of us fighting the good fight in southern and rural states. I was mocked and ridiculed by them today, and it stung a bit. I don't give a shit what any Republican thinks of me, but I expected more from the stereotypical coastal elites than I got today. Not to belittle a point, but there is truly a difference between a progressive and a liberal. Today was not a good day for one of those groups.

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Meta Collection of The Best of 2024 Lists

Best of 2024

One of the best parts of December is the variety of "Best of" lists. Here are collections for TV shows, movies, podcasts, books and albums. Enjoy!






Flyleaf - An Elegant Read It Later Solution


There are lots of read it later apps and services available for Mac users. Some, like Instapaper and Pocket require you to create an account and in return give you web access to your saved articles. Others, like Goodlinks don't have web access but offer you more privacy by syncing your saved articles through iCloud. A relatively new and rather elegant addition to this space is Flyleaf by Max Melzer.

Flyleaf strips everything from web pages except the text of the article and images. It provides an interface similar to the Kindle experience by paginating articles and letting you move through them by swiping. If you prefer scrolling, you can turn the option off. For those into aesthetics, Flyleaf has themes, some of which are behind a paywall. It also lets you control the line spacing, font, margins and alignment (justified text or not).

If you currently use Goodlinks, Instapaper or Later, you can import your current collection into Flyleaf. Flyleaf also has an export feature to import into other apps. Your list of saved articles has various display options, including publication name, reading time, article image, and your reading progress. You can choose to see just a list of titles or a long or short summary of the article. For automation fans, Flyleaf has Shortcuts and x-callback URL support. Articles in Flyleaf are searchable. You can archive them when your done reading and also mark them as favorites to find again quickly.

Flyleaf is an iPad app that runs on Macs with Apple Silicon. If you gave an Intel machine, you'll have to use it on an iOS device.

Everything in Flyleaf is free to use with two exceptions, extra themes and tagging. If you want those features, a subscription is required. It's $2.00 mo/$17.00 yr, but in all honesty, those are such minor features for most people that the primary reason for subscribing is to support the developer.

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Soothing Activities

1956 Jackie Robinson Baseball Card

I can understand why so many people enjoy needle work on things like counted cross stitch or knitting. It takes up time. It requires some concentration, but not enough to give you a headache. When you're done, you have something tangible to look at. I get my groove on not by stitching but by certain kinds of organizing. I'm sure Wonder Woman wishes my organizing preference were linen closets and so forth. It's not. This is not a post on making productivity your hobby.

When I was growing up, I collected comic books and baseball cards. When it came to comics, I enjoyed three categories: Archie, Richie Rich and anything made by DC: Superman, Batman, The Flash, Green Lantern etc. My younger brother and I decided to have a joint collection. We'd spread comics on the floor and sort them by title and then by the individual number the publisher assigned to them. Some stacks were tall. Action Comics was where Superman got his start. It had been continuously in print since the 30s. Detective Comics, Batman's home, was the same way. Other stacks were much shorter, as superheroes would come and go. By the time we were in junior high school, we'd accumulated over 700 comic books, both from newsstands and many, many trips to used book stores. There weren't any comic shops in the places we lived. For me, though, all of that work came to a crashing halt in 1979 when my desire to escape my mother's wrath for misbehavior gave my brother leverage over me. He demanded my half of the comic collection in exchange for not narcing me out for smoking cigarettes. I gave in. He still has those comic books,  45 years later.

I bought baseball cards until adulthood was well established. I had a giant tray that would hold hundreds of cards at the time, and I loved to put on an Atlanta Braves game and buy a box of cards to open and sort while watching. Rather than numerical order, I liked to sort my baseball cards into teams, alphabetized by players' last names. There was mass over production of cards in the late eighties and early nineties, with several companies competing with Topps, the OG card manufacturer. I bought cards by Upper Deck, Fleer, Donruss and more along with a monthly magazine that gave values to each card. Most of them were worthless, then, and now. I gave up on baseball when it turned out that the success of players I admired, like Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Roger Clemens, was due as much to their ingestion of performance enhancing drugs as it was to their talent. I sold a collection of some 20K cards for $100 and never looked back.

When Napster came along and allowed computer nerds with broadband connections to download music as fast as we could type in bands to search for, I went nuts. I assembled the Rolling Stone Magazine collection of the top 500 rock albums of all time. Very few of the songs were tagged correctly, so I used various software titles and the website, to verify track names and track numbers and the genre and all the miscellaneous information like release dates on all the music I downloaded. I spent many hours sitting at a desktop Mac editing MP3 tags while listening to music. I loved it, and today I am grateful to my past self for having done such an outstanding job.

These days, I am fanatical about keeping two types of data organized: my thousands of Obsidian notes and my photographs. Both of these lend themselves to being sorted in various ways digitally. I use both tags and folders because why not? During the upcoming holiday break, i will spend many hours happily looking at photos and reading notes and clipped articles and deciding where to file them. It sparks joy. It soothes me. Not only that, but it's what I like to do more than just about anything else.

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Some Fun Tech Chores to Catch Up on During the Holidays

2024-12-19 at 16

This is what I'm planning to do. Hopefully, it gives you a few ideas.

  1. Catch up reading my favorite newsletters, like Morning Brew,The Installer,10 Blue Links
  2. Play with the latest Raycast extensions to see if there is anything I can use.
  3. Check out the latest Obsidian extensions to see what looks useful
  4. Evaluate what's been added to Setapp to see what I can test and review.
  5. Clean out my bookmarks
  6. Clean up and evaluate my RSS feeds at Inoreader
  7. Watch a bunch of YouTube videos that I've saved in Play.
  8. Read through my journal entries for 2024 in Day One
  9. Go through the photos I took in 2024, probably with Musebox
  10. Gather up all the "Best of 2024" articles on TV, podcasts, books, movies and TV shows and add them to Goodreads, Overcast, and Sequel.

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Two Apps To Use if You Work in Markdown


I do almost all of my writing in Markdown, a lightweight and human-friendly markup language used for formatting plain text. Created in 2004, it uses simple punctuation and characters to denote headers, links, emphasis, code blocks, lists and other styles. Markdown is often used for writing README files, documentation, or content for websites. The language was designed for easy reading and writing. One issue with Markdown is that it must be rendered before it looks ready for mass consumption, including printing. Another issue is converting text into other formats, like .docx and .rtf.

There are plenty of tools for those who use Markdown. For creating documents, I often use Obsidian or MarkEdit, both of which are free. Obsidian is a hugely powerful app that has over 2000 plugins and can be overly complicated for some. It's also an electron app that some people avoid for that reason.

Marked 2

My recommendation to render and print Markdown files is Marked 2 by the great Mac developer, blogger and podcaster, Brett Terpstra. Marked 2 works with many different flavors of Markdown and is really great for developers writing GitHub documentation because it is capable of handling fenced code blocks, line break preservation and automatic hyperlinking. You can even get a spelling and grammar checker through IAP for Marked 2. It works with Obsidian, Scrivener, Ulysses, MarsEdit, Highland 2, iThoughtsX, MindNode, and other third-party apps. Aside from rendering and printing, Marked 2 also has impressive exporting features natively, including:

  • PDF (continuous or paginated)
  • RTF
  • RTFD
  • DOC
  • DOCX
  • ODT
  • OPML

Marked 2 is not an editor. It only renders files.


If you want a WYSIWYG editor for Markdown with considerable exporting features, you can use Texts, a free app. Texts has great table support. What makes Texts special is its ability to import (and convert to Markdown) DOCX, OPML, HTML and LaTeX. It supports the same export formats as Marked and also adds

  • HTML
  • HTML Presentations
  • EPUB2
  • EPUB3
  • XeLaTex

You can also print from Texts.

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I Hate Being Bi-Polar, It's Awesome!


I'm in much need of a mental health day or two away from the world. Living with a bipolar disorder diagnosis for nearly 40 years has given me the insight into my own thought patterns, feelings and behavior to recognize what's going on with myself and to take action. It starts with vague, uneasy, paranoid feelings. "Why is everyone mad at me?" (They actually aren't. It just feels that way) Then I feel a deep sadness and isolation for no apparent reason. Everything, and I mean absolutely everything, becomes difficult. I dread having to speak to anyone. For many years, up to the end of 2008, I medicated these feelings with the help of distilleries and breweries and the occasional pot dealer, but I put that behind me finally and for the past 16 years, I've dealt with the black dog on my own.

I'm from the pre-Prozac generation, who had to endure old-fashioned tricyclic anti-depressants with all their many side effects back in the 80s. Modern psychotropic meds have come a long way. I've taken a whole catalog of them over the years and these days I have what my doc calls a poly-pharmacy that has few side effects, isn't addictive and is readily available from just about any druggist. Despite meds though, I still have weird mood swings and feelings that are a product of haywire brain chemistry rather than the events going on around me. The reality is that I have a low stress life, no financial pressure to speak of, no real enemies or resentments, an easy job and a good home life. That's why it is so maddening to feel so low. There is nothing to fix.

Experience tells me that this too shall pass, as long as it isn't the start of a downward spiral, and this doesn't feel like that. I still have an interest in plenty of meaningful things. I'm still functional enough. My current mood is conveniently happening right before a long scheduled break from work. It's a time when I will have almost no responsibilities. I'll be able to get plenty of rest. The only person I'll have to deal with will be the one I love the most. All of that is good.

I'm sorry that I don't have anything that interesting to share today. I'm struggling, but I will be OK.

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The Cost of Not Going to College

University of Maryland

There is a recent trend among certain prominent individuals to discourage young people from attending college. Politicians with Ivy League Educations who have children attending Ivy League schools via legacy admissions shamelessly stand in front of the cameras and tell the rest of us to send our kids to trade school or have them go join the military. And, if we absolutely have to send them to school, whatever we do, we should not let them study the humanities. It's STEM only for today's boys and girls.

First the facts - attending college is good for you in very measurable ways.

College graduates live an average of eight years longer than people who only graduated high school

Life expectancy gap in America widens depending on college education

Lifetime earnings are dramatically higher for college graduates. The gap starts in your 20s and increases exponentially over your lifetime.

Is college worth it? Yes, according to this Fed data

Why do politicians discourage people from going to college?

Why do so many Republicans hate college? - The Washington Post

Why Politicians Don’t Want Students to Think

Is it working? Are fewer people attending

College enrollment is falling at a ‘concerning’ rate, new data reveals | US universities | The Guardian

OK, we've established why it's good for people, but why has the cost of education increased at a greater rate than inflation in general?

Inflation affects the price of everything—including a college education

I'm a high school student who wants to ignore all that stuff and skip college. Help me convince my parents.

51 Successful People Who Didn't Go to or Finish College

Full disclosure - I did not attend college, but even I know what that's cost me since 1983.

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Free Security Apps for Mac

Mac Security
Mac Security

Clyde is an app that sounds an alarm when someone shuts your laptop, so that when you walk away from it to order coffee or look for a book and it gets tampered with, everyone will know. The paid version will also send an alert to your watch and phone

LinkLiar - a free app for spoofing the MAC address of your Wi-Fi and Ethernet interfaces to add an extra layer of protection on public networks.

@home - is a free app that will keep your laptop from locking on your home network but enable locking when you are away. It works from the name of the network to which you are connected.

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