
    Today on App Addict - Noizio - A Background Sound App for Mac - I recently discovered an app that I use on my iMac at work for background sounds. Noizio, an app from developer Kyrylo Kovalin has a free and paid version. the free version offers five nature sounds that can be combined into 25 distinct tracks. The paid version is $9.99 in… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    Noizio app interface

    Today on App Addict - XnConvert - Free Batch Image Converter and Editor - XnConvert is a free and powerful application for batch editing and conversion of graphics files. It can handle 500 different kinds of input files and it outputs over 70 different formats. It allows you to save any task sequence of combined settings to include edits, output format, naming convention and… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    Screenshot of XnConvert Interfce

    Today on App Addict - Wins Has Window Management and More - I’ve never found a use for most window management tools. I work on a laptop at home and run most apps maximized. At work I have two gigantic displays and in instances where I need to reference two apps at once, I just slide over to the other display. There… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    Preferences for Wins

    Today on App Addict - Badgeify - Notifications in Your Menu Bar - In today’s connected environment notifications can be vital or they can be an unwelcome hinderance. It’s different for each individual. Personally, I don’t get so many that it interferes with my work, and I prefer to find out someone is attempting to contact me as soon as possible. I operate… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    Adding apps to Badgeify

    Today on App Addict - Try PDF Gear, It’s Good, It’s Free - When it comes to PDF software, people have very different needs. Some casual users may want nothing more than the ability to make a few notes and occasionally combine documents, while those working in legal offices are very, very particular about how their PDFs look on screen and when printed,… -… #Universal Apps πŸ“

    Updated my /now page with the book I’m reading, the TV show we’re watching, what tastes good this week, what I wrote, where I went on the Internet.

    The covewr to the book, Deliver Me from Nowhere; The Making of Bruce Speingsteen's Nebraska

    Minor League Baseball

    Minor League Baseball - Minor League baseball is an affordable and accessible family activity and can build fond memories -…

    Jackie Robinson When He Was Playing for the Minor Leaugue Montreal Royals

    Today on App Addict - Activity Watch - Free No Effort Time Tracker - Activity Watch is a free no effort time tracker that can keep track of how long you use every app on you Mac while running in the background. You can categorize your apps so that you can see how much time you spent working, gaming, choosing music or watching video…. -… πŸ“

    Activity Report for Activity Watch

    Today on App Addict - Topgrade - Upgrade All the Things - One of the more useful Homebrew apps I’ve found is topgrade-rs, the currently maintained fork of topgrade, an updater for Homebrew, the Mac App Store, MacOS, VSCode extensions and Rust. It is supremely easy to use. Just enter the command topgrade in Terminal and sit back while it does the… -… πŸ“

    The results of rinning a Unix command for Homebrew

    Today on App Addict - Haste - A Web Search Utility - Haste, by Plastic Software, is a keyboard centric search utility that can access a wide variety of websites without you having to manually switch to your browser and type a URL or access a bookmark. You activate the search by tapping the command key twice. Then you enter the text… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    Haste web search utility interface

    Today on App Addict - MacTube - An Ad-Free YouTube Player and More - Mac Tube is an ad-free YouTube player currently also supporting AppleTV, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Max, Disney+, Peacock, Tubi and CrunchyRoll as well as Vimeo, Twitch, Ted Talks, BigThink and TikTok. The developer’s website doesn’t it make it clear, but the Mac App Store version of the app, known… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    Macube Interface

    Today on App Addict - Keyboard Cowboy - Free and Open-Source Automation Software - If you’d like to take a crack at setting up some Mac automations without spending the money that Keyboard Maestro ($36)Β  or Better Touch Tool ($24)Β  will run you, then you should download and try Keyboard Cowboy, a free and open-source automation tool available from the dev’s Github site. It… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    A garphic showing the features of Keyboard Cowboy

    Today on App Addict - ClipGrab, a free alternative to Downie - I am partial to DownieΒ  when it comes to downloading video from the Internet, but I recently discovered a good free alternative for those looking to use something without incurring a cost. ClipGrab is a video downloader for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Daily Motion and many other sites. It downloads and… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“ #Blaugust2024

    Program interface for ClipGrab app

    Today on App Addict - Air Battery - A Free App to Monitor Battery Levels - My search for a good multi-device battery monitoring app ended today when I discovered Air Battery. In just a few minutes I had a widget installed in notification center with accurate battery readouts of my Macbook, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. I didn’t have to install any client apps, just… -… #MacApps πŸ“

    Various displays from the Mac App, Air Battery

    A Curated Collection of Free Software

    A Curated Collection of Free Software - A collection of reviews and links to free Mac software -…

    A sign of light bulbs against a brick wall reading Free

    Today on App Addict - A Curated Collection of Free Apps - Free Appsβ€’ Apparency - The Apps That Opens AppsΒ  β€’ ToyViewer - A Preview Replacment β€’ Chrome Remote Desktop - Free Remote Control β€’ BBEdit - It Doesn’t Suck β€’ Blip - Free Cross Platform File Transfers β€’ FreeTube - Maybe the Most Underrated App β€’ Bean - A Free,… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    A blue button reading free apps

    Today on App Addict - Widget Wall - For the first time in years, I’ve started using my Mac’s desktop as a place to check for information and interact with my computer. For a long time, I kept the desktop hidden behind windows and full screen apps. I don’t save files to my desktop or launch applications from… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“ #Blaugust2024

    Screenshot of computer desktop covered with widgets

    Today on App Addict - Screen Memory - I recently purchased the single purpose utility, Screen Memory on sale from Bundle Hunt for $6. On the developer’s website it goes for $27 and can be used on up to three computers. The app takes screenshots of your entire monitor (or monitors) at a predetermined interval. The default is… -… #Mac Apps πŸ“ #Blaugust2024

    Screen Memory App Interface

    Going to Texas

    ✏️ Going to Texas - I have a trip planned to Austin, TX where I’m going to eat Tex-Mex and barbecue, visit HEB and Half-Price Books and enjoy my family. -… #Blaugust2024

    Stiles Switch BBQ in Austin, TX

    What's In Your Menu Bar

    Today on App Addict - What’s In Your Menu Bar - What is in your menu bar?

    At Macworld 2014, Mac Developer Brett Terpstra turned heads when he revealed what he had running in his menu bar while sharing his screen. In all, he had 42 menu bar icons and people were amazed because he was on a MacBook Air with… -… #Mac Apps #Blaugust2024

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