
TSPDT - The 1,000 Greatest Films (by Ranking 1-1000) - I don't know why this site, They Shoot Pictures Don't They, wasn't on my radar. It is now, but be warned. It's a rabit hole if you like movies.

What Dinosaurs Were Really Like - YouTube - Take it from me, if you have access to any kids between. the ages of 4-10, show them this short video. Get ready for an outraged reaction and a lot of questions.

The Passengers a Norwegian Cruise Ship Left Behind - Do you like epic stories? Read this then. It's an epic story

ToS about - We all just click through those terms of service screens on apps and websites to get to where we want to go, but someone actually read them all and graded them. Unsurprisingly they found that we routinely give up our rights for the sake of convenience.

2024 Shkreli Awards - Welcome to the 8th annual Shkreli Awards, the Lown Institute's top ten list of the worst examples of profiteering and dysfunction in healthcare, named for the infamous "pharma bro" Martin Shkreli.

Lifestyle: 33 Ways To Improve Your Life, Japanese Style | The Journal | MR PORTER - Here, a few Japanese experts (and experts on Japan) divulge some ideas on what we can learn from life in the Japanese capital, and beyond.

Los Angeles wildfires: in pictures - BBC News - I'm not one to watch television news, but I do love to see good photojournalism. I've got nothing but praise for the BBC photographers.

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