Universal and Cross Platform Apps

The apps on this list are either free or buy once and use on
multiple platforms with just a couple of exceptions. The links are to
reviews of the apps that contain pricing information and download links
either to the developer's website of the App Store. (or both)
- Clipboard Fusion - The Windows to iPhone Solution
- Text Shot
- Ivory for Mastodon by Tapbots
- Streaks: The Classic Habit Tracker
- MusicBox : Read-It-Later for Music
- Scrap Paper
- Sequel Entertainment Database
- Keka: Free File Compression/DeCompression
- Due, A Hybrid Reminders Alarm Clock App
- AppRaven - Apps Gone Free (and more)
- Listy - A Private List Manager
- Lockdown Privacy Desktop
- Just Press Record
- iA Writer
- Zavala - Free, Open-Source Outliner for Mac, iPhone, iPad
- MusicHarbor - The New Release Finder
- Day One Is Popular for a Reason
- AnyList for Recipes, Shopping and More
- Play: Save Videos, Watch Later
- Cryptomator Free and Open Source Cloud Encryption
- GoodLinks
- NextDNS for Mac
- Things 3, Maybe the Pinnacle in App Design
- Try PDF Gear, It's Good, It's Free
- Apple Password App Is OK I Guess
- Mind Node for Mind Maps
- Yonks - A Well Designed Day Counter
- Elephas Did What Others Wouldn't
- Connect Your Mac Apps with IFTTT
- Fedica - Post to Multiple Social Networks at Once, On a Schedule - For Free
- Kiano - A Unique Image Sorter and Viewer for Apple Photos
- Scratchpad - Floating Notes But Better
- Ente Auth - The Free Authy Replacement for Your Mac and iPhone
- Cronica - A Free, Privacy Focused Media Tracker for Mac and iOS
- Access: Secure Passwords Companion