Dockside - A New Shelf Utility

There is a new player in the category of apps that includes Yoink, Dropover
and Dropshelf.
Dockside, from Hachipoo
Apps is a shelf utility that uses the space on either side of your dock
(if you position it on the bottom of your monitor). For those of use who
position our docks on the left or right sides of the screen, Dockside
places a couple of landing places at the bottom of the display, hidden
until you need them.
Dockside creates a shelf for your Downloads folder and the default location you have designated for screenshots. In addition, you specify a file location of your choosing for files you drag into Dockside. Once files are placed on a Dockside shelf, there are a variety of Finder actions you can take:
- Open
- Open with
- Share
- Get info
- Show in Finder
- Copy Path name
- Rename
- Copy
- Copy to...
- Move to...
- Move to trash
Additionally, depending on the type of object on the shelf, you can:
- Compress
- Remove image metadata
- Extract text from images
- Optimize image size (if you have Clop installed
Other features include the ability to create a quick note with your default text editor on the shelf and the ability to paste content onto a shelf. Any item placed on a shelf that has Quicklook capability is viewable via that mechanism. Dockside also maintains a recent files history in its interface.
Dockside is an Apple notarized app that can operate offline since it has no external server connection and collects no data on users. There is a two-week free trial and the app can be purchased for $5.99 on the developer's website.