Dealing With a Toxic Boss
Have you ever had to work for someone you just couldn't respect? Have you watched your colleagues leaving one by one as you trudged through hell on earth at work? Ever worked for a hypocrite? An ass-kisser? If you can answer any of these questions in the affirmative, and I can, then you know what it brings up all kinds of emotions. When you are forced into coping with what should be unacceptable behavior, it kills your self-esteem and ends up affecting all areas of your life. In hindsight, you wonder why you put up with it.
I had a boss one time who drove by my house on his way to work but wouldn't give me a ride to when I got hit by a reckless driver and totaled my car.
I had a boss who never, ever, not once worked a 40-hour work week.
I had a boss who bought 7000 laptops that were so unsuited for their purpose that they went into a dumpster a year later.
If you are in the bad boss club, take a look at some of the survival tips in these links.
8 Toxic Boss Signs and How to Deal With Them | The Muse
How to Handle a Toxic Boss | Careers | U.S. News
[8 Signs Your Boss is a Toxic Leader—And What You Can Do About It - Identifi Globa
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