@pratik As a privileged white US citizen, I am very much IDGAF about what I post online, politically or otherwise. I'm of an age where I'll never have to job hunt again. Besides, I have way too much Internet and conventional media history as an unabashed left-wing gadfly to ever try to pass as apolitical or neutral. As far as AI goes, while I don't want my writing used on a content farm somewhere, I don't think a robust robots.txt file is really going to protect me. On my first trip through the blogosphere, I was very much as you described with metatags and SEO tactics. Thankfully the modern structure of the IndieWeb and projects like #WeblogPoMo2024 make all that optimization effort superfluous these days. I cross-post the tech stuff I write to Reddit most of the time, but I've been posting there for 18 years. Thanks to making the Reddit front page a couple of times out of pure luck, I have enough karma ward off accusations of being a shill when I dare to positively rate a product.