(This is a now page. If you have your own site like mine, Amerpie, you should make one too.)

What I'm Reading

During the month of May, me and a ton of other bloggers are participating in WeblogPoMo2024 where we've all agreed to write and publish something every day. Most of us are Mastodon users and it's easy to follow the hashtag. Every day I get more than 50 new blog posts from people like me who believe in the IndieWeb ethos and are doing their best to share something with the Internet writ large. I've read stories about life in the Cold War British Royal Air Force, read recipes from a family cookbook a friend is transcribing and learned a lot about life in other tech fields that parallel but don't match my own.

What I'm Watching


What I'm Making

I wrote so much this week.

On Life and Stuff

App Reviews

What I'm Enjoying

A screenshot showing the number of tv shows and movies I have watched

I've had a subscription to Trakt for nine years. It's an online service with a website and an app that let's me track what TV shows and movies I watch. It also lets me compile a watch list and keeps a calendar to show me when my shows are airing, something I thought we'd gotten away from in the streaming era but networks like AppleTV+ and HBO/Max are back to dropping one show a week. Trakt has lots of extras, like the ability to post my watched shows to my Day One journal and to this very page. I've used other services like IMDB and Sofa Time and I prefer Trakt.

What I'm Browsing

Current Status

Last updated 2024-05-04.

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