Dawn over Tomales Bay near Inverness in Marin County, California #photography

Today on App Addict - Keyboard Cowboy - Free and Open-Source Automation Software - If you’d like to take a crack at setting up some Mac automations without spending the money that Keyboard Maestro ($36)  or Better Touch Tool ($24)  will run you, then you should download and try Keyboard Cowboy, a free and open-source automation tool available from the dev’s Github site. It… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/keyb… #Mac Apps 📝

A garphic showing the features of Keyboard Cowboy

Stop benefitting from the internet, it’s not for you to enjoy, it’s for us to use to extract money from you. Stop finding beauty and connection in the world, loneliness is more profitable and easier to control. Stop being human. A mindless bot who makes regular purchases is all that’s really needed. — Cat Valente


This Week's Bookmarks - The Future, Lost Birds, Past Maps, The Beatles, Gen Z, iPhone Privacy, Download Movie Sounds

Moustaches Everywhere

Moustaches Everywhere - The moustache has made a comeback, and I didn’t know it until I traveled away from provincial little city - linkage.lol/moustache…

Daniel Day Lewis and his moustache in Gangs of New York

My Partner

📝 My Partner - I think my wife is awesome and she just keeps getting better. - louplummer.lol/my-partne…

A beautiful woman smiling and wearing a visor after running 30 miles on the Appalachian Trail

Today on App Addict - ClipGrab, a free alternative to Downie - I am partial to Downie  when it comes to downloading video from the Internet, but I recently discovered a good free alternative for those looking to use something without incurring a cost. ClipGrab is a video downloader for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Daily Motion and many other sites. It downloads and… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/clip… #Mac Apps 📝 #Blaugust2024

Program interface for ClipGrab app

People and Blogs

People and Blogs - The newsletter and website, People and Blogs, by Italian blogger, Manu, offers some of the best the IndyWeb has to offer - linkage.lol/people-an…

How to Be Yourself and Get Along Online

📝 How to Be Yourself and Get Along Online - You can do two contradictory things and still have flourishing online relationships by taking some ancient advice - louplummer.lol/how-to-be…

A man confronting a giant stone wall

Today on App Addict - Air Battery - A Free App to Monitor Battery Levels - My search for a good multi-device battery monitoring app ended today when I discovered Air Battery. In just a few minutes I had a widget installed in notification center with accurate battery readouts of my Macbook, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. I didn’t have to install any client apps, just… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/air-… #MacApps 📝

Various displays from the Mac App, Air Battery

How a Raging Atheist Like Me Became an Ordained Minister and Wedding Officiant

How a Raging Atheist Like Me Became an Ordained Minister and Wedding Officiant - The story of my online ordination as a minister in the Universal Life Church and subsequent career performing marriages - linkage.lol/universal…

An outdoor wedding ceremony

This Japanese Maple was only a couple of feet tall when my grandmother died. It was in her yard. My grandfather dug it up & gave it to me. Twenty-nine years later it greets me every time I walk out my front door. I love it.

A Curated Collection of Free Software

A Curated Collection of Free Software - A collection of reviews and links to free Mac software - linkage.lol/a-curated…

A sign of light bulbs against a brick wall reading Free

Today on App Addict - A Curated Collection of Free Apps - Free Apps• Apparency - The Apps That Opens Apps  • ToyViewer - A Preview Replacment • Chrome Remote Desktop - Free Remote Control • BBEdit - It Doesn’t Suck • Blip - Free Cross Platform File Transfers • FreeTube - Maybe the Most Underrated App • Bean - A Free,… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/a-cu… #Mac Apps 📝

A blue button reading free apps

Osa the Dog and the Last Goodbye

📝 Osa the Dog and the Last Goodbye - Sad news reunites a family to say goodbye to a beloved member. - louplummer.lol/osa-the-d…

A young boy leaning against a reclining dog.

Dazed and Confused

Dazed and Confused - The 1993 movie Dazed and Confused is regarded as a classic today for its realistic depiction of the lives of high school students in the 1970s. - linkage.lol/dazed-and… #Blaugust2024

Two actors from Dazed and Confused

People Watching in Austin

📝 People Watching in Austin- A day spent traveling and tooling around one of America’s coolest cities provided excellent opportunities to watch people do their thing. - louplummer.lol/people-wa… #Blaugust2024

Sushi chefs at work

You can be in my dream if I can be in your dream. - Bob Dylan

Today on App Addict - Widget Wall - For the first time in years, I’ve started using my Mac’s desktop as a place to check for information and interact with my computer. For a long time, I kept the desktop hidden behind windows and full screen apps. I don’t save files to my desktop or launch applications from… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/widg… #Mac Apps 📝 #Blaugust2024

Screenshot of computer desktop covered with widgets

We Are the Stories We Tell

📝 We Are the Stories We Tell - Each of us is a collection of stories, our own and the ones we’ve collected through the years - louplummer.lol/we-are-th… #Blaugust2024

Vintage photo from the 40s of a family at the beach