
    Today on App Addict - A Folder Plugin for Quicklook - I’ve previously covered Quicklook plugins that let you use your spacebar in Finder to view things like package contents, videos, source code, compressed files and more. Recently the developer of the popular bookmarking app, Anybox, released a free Quicklook plugin for folders, which seems like a feature Apple should… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/a-fo… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    A folder viewed with Quicklook

    If any of y’all want to participate in this month’s Indie Web Carnival, the topic is Multilingualism in a global Web hosted by Zinricky. Internationalism is one of my favorite parts of the Indie Web but, man, am I glad the web decided to use English. Signed - A Lazy American

    Today's Link is Literally A Very Good Blog

    Today’s Link is Literally A Very Good Blog - Reading A Very Good Blog by Keenan is like having a chocolate milkshake poured in your ear. - linkage.lol/today-s-l…

    The Blogger Know as Keenan

    πŸ“ Memorable Internet Moments - From using Prodigy on an IBM 286 to having the Internet in my pocket, there have been lots of memorable moments. - louplummer.lol/memorable…

    Prodigy Logo

    Today on App Addict - MacUpdater is Multifeatured - One thing I know about apps designed to identify and download updates for the applications on your Mac, none of them are 100% effective. I use a combination of MacUpdater, Latest, CleanMyMac and Topgrade to come as close as possible to updating my Macs. Of those four, MacUpdate has the… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/macu… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    A list of the top downloads in MacUpdater

    Who Was Archie Bunker

    Who Was Archie Bunker - Archie Bunker was a bigoted white guy from Queens who hated everyone different from himself. We didn’t elect him president for a reason. - linkage.lol/who-was-a…

    Archie Bunker sitting in his chair

    πŸ“ Reflections on Connections - I saw my oldest friend today, a relationship that goes back to the 70s. It gave me the feels because of course it did. - louplummer.lol/reflectio…

    Two middle aged guys and Wonder Woman

    Today on App Addict - EagleFiler - I wanted to create a central repository for all the personal data I’ve generated over the years in one location, searchable within a single program. I have a Gmail account that’s 19 years old with 144K messages. My Evernote account goes back to 2008 and has over 7K notes. In… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/eagl… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    EagleFiler icon

    Updated my /now page with updates on what I’m reading, watching on TV, lots of blog posts, the buy of the week from Amazon and the web sites I added to my personal bookmarks this week.

    πŸ“ Sardines - The humble canned sardine is a lifelong favorite of mine, which has subjected me to a lot of abuse - louplummer.lol/sardines/

    A can of opened sardine

    Today on App Addict - Opening Batches of Apps, Documents, Folders and Web Pages - There are several ways to batch open workspaces for various projects. The built in Apple tools, Shortcuts and Automator can do it for you if you know how to use them and don’t mind doing a bit of fiddling. Commercial apps like Workspaces ($19.99) have lots of features and a… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/open… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    The menu for Bunch, an app for opening mulitiple apps at once

    πŸ“ Family Ties - I lucked out in the family I was born into and the one I married into. Lots of love. No drama. - louplummer.lol/family-ti…

    My wife and two of our daughters with some grandchildren and in-laws

    The Worst Movie I Ever Saw

    The Worst Movie I Ever Saw - Face/Off, a 1997 thriller by John Woo, starring John Travolta and Nick Cage made me want to stop watching movies forever. - linkage.lol/the-worst…

    John Travolta nd Nick Cage in a promo pic for Face/Off

    πŸ“ Hurricanes and Pre-Race Jitters - I’m five hours from home, holed up in a mountain cabin with an ultrarunning grandma getting ready to race 100 miles - louplummer.lol/hurricane…

    Three ultra runners leaping for joy on a wooden trestle

    πŸ“ The Murderers I Have Known - As a prison guard in my 20s, I came to know men convicted of murder and later became an anti-death penalty activist - louplummer.lol/the-murde…

    Prison inmates playing basketball on the yard

    Today on App Addict - Two Apps for Presentations, Screen Cature Videos or Screen Sharing - German developer Martin Lexow who recently released Polycapture has a couple of other interesting apps for some niche use cases such as screen recording videos for tutorials or other training materials. They may also be useful for anyone doing presentations or extensive screen sharing via Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/two-… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    Sample Display from Keystroke Pro app

    Concert Movies

    Concert Movies - Concert movies make seeing your favorite act possible without having to take out a second mortgage. Here are three classics. - linkage.lol/concert-m…

    Levon Helm, drummer for The Band, singing during the Last Waltz concert

    Saturday Morning Cartoons and Other Joys - Growing up in the 70s gave me the opportunity for some prime TV watching

    The Jackson 5 cartoon

    Today on App Addict - Quitter - A Free Utility That Works - I was happy when Raycast implemented a feature that would automatically quit apps after a specified period of inactivity. I was not happy when I found that the feature didn’t work reliable on either my M2 MBA or my M3 iMac. Although I had certain apps set to quite after… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/quit… #Mac Apps πŸ“

    Quitter interface

    Mastodon Resources for Everyone

    Mastodon Resources for Everyone - A list of recommendations of various Mastodon tools, including clients, servers, analytics, tutorials, posting aids and account discovery - linkage.lol/mastodon-…

    Mastodon Logo

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