Don't do this

The security measures we have to take in the modern era are generally a gigantic pain in the ass. At some point we had to stop using the same password everywhere. Then we had to add in uppercase letters, then numbers, then special symbols. Our passwords had to be longer than before. Every smart person who thought that 12E456 was a good password got schooled. After all the password drama, we had to start using two forms of authentication: getting a text, getting an email or using a special app like Microsoft Authenticator. It gets even more confusing wjhen computers start to want your fingerprint or to scan your face like the iPhone does.

We have a good idea of what the most common passwords are because of files recovered from giant security leaks, and there have been many, many of those.Common passwords are so well know that they have their own Wikipedia page. Every black hat hacker in the world has the database of common passwords ready to use to crack accounts whenever they have a chance.

Top 10 Most Used Passwords

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. 123456789
  6. 12345
  7. 1234
  8. 111111
  9. 1234567
  10. dragon

Making a Good Password

You have no idea how many times over the years that I have seen people panic when I've asked them to change their password when working with them on support issues. Some people, when put on the spot, simply can not come up with one, and if they do, the chances of them immediately forgetting it are a sure bet. Here are some tips on creating strong passwords.

  1. Make it long - longer is stronger, at least 16 characters
  2. Make it random. The best option is to create a memorable phrase of 4 – 7 unrelated words. This is called a “passphrase.” For example: purplecoffeebusboy
  3. Make it unique. You need a different password for every single site. If you reuse the same one, it will be used against you the first time there is a breach at one of the sites where you have an account.

Have You Been Pwned?

Go to this website right now to see how many times your email address has been found in a security breach. My Gmail account is 20 years old. It's been compromised many, many times.

  • Adobe
  • Tumblr
  • MySpace
  • Dropbox
  • Bitly
  • Edmodo
  • My Fitness Pal
  • Cafe Press
  • LinkedIn
  • Twitter
  • Advanced Auto Parts

Password Manager

Lastly, you need to get a program known as a password manager and I';m not talking about the one in your browser. If you aren;t tech savvy, get someone who is to help you set this up. You've heard this before, but it is now time to act. Here are a few suggestions of programs you can use on your computer and your phone.

#1 Password Manager & Vault App with Single-Sign On & MFA Solutions - LastPass

Password Manager & Extended Access Management | 1Password | 1Password

Best Password Manager for Business, Enterprise & Personal | Bitwarden

Use the Passwords app to create, manage, and share passwords and passkeys across Apple devices - Apple Support

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