
    Today on AppAddict - Dropover, Best in Class - There are no shortage of shelf apps on the Mac, but Dropover rises to the top because of its feature set and affordability. Deeply integrated with cloud services, with Shortcuts and widgets it’s just a pleasure to use.

    Today on AppAddict - Apps to Enhance Apple Shortcuts - I have dozens of Shortcuts that I use every day, including ones designed to work with Some of these require helper apps and these apps are featured in today’s post.

    Don't Be Afraid to Use the Linter Plugin in #Obsidian

    Cotton bolls fresh from the field

    One of the most powerful and seemingly complicated plugins in the Obsidian directory is Linter. With nine different tabs in its settings panel, it intimidated me until I spent some time looking it over and testing it on a small folder of test notes. Just installing it will do nothing to your notes. All the features are set to run on command initially and you can leave them that way perpetually if you just want to apply Linter settings manually to one folder of notes at the time. Linter describes itself thus: Format and style your notes. Linter can be used to format YAML tags, aliases, arrays, and metadata; footnotes; headings; spacing; math blocks; regular Markdown contents like list, italics, and bold styles; and more with the use of custom rule options.

    To be clear, this is how you can select default file properties for all your notes or set custom file properties for notes one folder at the time. Using Linter will standardize the formatting of almost every element of your notes.

    If you have a lot of notes imported from different sources and especially if you have been using Obsidian since before the implementation of file properties, back when YAML front matter was created manually, you should be able to standardize the appearance and formatting of your vault. If you are a relatively new user, you can get a lot of benefit by setting some standards with Linter so that they apply to your notes going forward. I use the Commander Plugin to create a button in the Ribbon Bar to run Linter. I also created a keyboard shortcut to run Linter. The plugin creates an option in the right-click context menu to Lint a folder at the time.

    General Tab - This is where you tell Linter when to apply its settings. If you choose “Lint on save”, the plugin will only apply its settings when you manually press Ctrl+S. If you select “Lint on change, then the settings will apply as you edit notes”. This tab is also where you can set Linter to ignore folders so that settings never apply to them. I set my Templates and Attachment folders to be ignored.

    The YAML Tab - The settings I turn on are Add Blank Line After YAML, Dedupe YAML aliases, Dedupe, YAML tags, Dedupe YAML arrays. I set Linter to move all YAML tags to the front matter. In the sorting section, I turn on sorting for aliases, tags and arrays in ascending alphabetical order. In the YAML key sort section I turn on sorting and enable priority sorting for the following properties: title: author: url: tags: creation date: modification date: This will create those properties in every note I create in that exact order, with additional properties included beneath them in ascending alphabetical order.

    I turn on the automatic inclusion of creation date and modification date using the YYYY-MM-DD format. This is useful when building certain Dataview queries later.

    The only other setting I turn on in this tab is the YAML title which I set to match the file name.

    H1 Headings Tab - On this tab I turn on Capitalize Headings, Ignore Cased Words, and Remove Trailing Punctuation Headings

    Footnote Tab - I don’t make any changes here as I don’t use footnotes

    Content Tab - I turn on every setting on this tab for consistency’s sake except for default language for code settings since I don’t use code fences for anything other than markdown.

    Spacing Tab - On this tab I turn on Consecutive Blank Lines, Convert Tabs to Spaces, Empty Line Around Blockquotes, All Heading Blank Lines, Line Break at Document End, Paragraph Blank Lines, Remove Empty Lines Between List Markers, Remove Link Spacing, All the settings for trailing spaces

    Paste Tab - I turn on everything except Remove Leftover Footnotes

    Custom Tab - No changes

    Debug Tab - No changes

    The Linter user manual can be accessed here.

    This is a powerful tool. Before applying it to your entire vault, ensure you have a backup.

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    10 More Random #Obsidian Tips

    Last week I posted some of the things I learned to do in Obsidian through trial and error and it went over pretty good, so here are 10 more. I want to show folks not to be afraid of extensions. Many of them don’t alter your data in any way so you won’t get locked in by using them. They just perform actions that make Obsidian run in a more customized way for you.

    1. Have Obsidian Open to the Same Page Every Time You Start the App

    By default, Obsidian opens up to the state you left it in when you closed it. With the Homepage community plugin - you can use any note, canvas, or workspace as a homepage. Alternatively, choose a random note, or use your Daily or Periodic Notes. You can decide what happens to old tabs that were left open - keep them, replace the last note, or remove them all.

    2. Assign a Basic Set of File Properties to Every Note You Create

    You can do this using the Linter plugin. The setting is on the YAML tab of the options for Linter.

    Setting for file properties in the Linter plugin for Obsidian

    3. Edit the File Properties of Multiple Notes at One time

    If you have multiple notes where you’d like to add or remove file properties in one fell swoop without having to edit them each individually, the use the Multi-Properties plugin. It works for tags or any other file property you want.

    4. Send an Email to Your Obsidian Vault (for Mac users)

    An IFTTT applet to create text files in Dropbox based on emails

    Set up an IFTTT applet to create a text file in a cloud service like based on an email you send to a certain address. Then use the app, Hazel, to have the file renamed with a .md extension and moved to your vault. More information on setting this up

    5. Quickly Capture Data to Your Obsidian Vault on iOS

    The key to this at this point is using the right third-party app. I personally use Drafts most of the time, but have recently been experimenting with a new app, Bebop and with Fleeting Notes. The Obsidian roadmap states that they are hard at work improving the native abilities of Obsidian on mobile. More software to complement Obsidian.

    6. Search And Replace Text Across Your Entire Vault at Once

    To do this, you can use the free features of different power-users text editors  I use Notepad++ (PC) and BBedit (Mac) for multi-file search and replace. They’re both fast, handle case-matching, and the basic features are free. Vscode is another favorite and it is cross-platform.

    Search and replace in BBEdit

    7. Automatically Sync a Backup Copy of Your Vault to a Cloud Service Every Night While You Sleep

    You need a couple of utilities to make this happen. The first is a file-syncing utility that runs automatic syncs. I use Sync Folders Pro, a $9 app from the app store. Then you need an app that automatically launched your sync program. On the Mac you can use Lingon X, Keyboard Maestro or Alarm Clock Pro. More backup information.

    8. Import Entire Web Pages with Nothing More Than a URL on The Clipboard

    One of the features of the ReadItLater pluginis to create a a new based on nothing more than a URL on your clipboard. You just copy an address from a web page you want to save, switch to Obsidian and activate it ReadItLater from the command pallet. It’s that fast and that easy. More ways to import web pages

    9. A Wizard to Build Dataview Queries

    There is a free tool you can use to help with the learning curve with Dataview. “The Basic Dataview Query Builder will guide you through some questions and put together a Dataview query based on your answers. You can use this query as-is in your vault or as a starting point to refine a more advanced query.

    10. Get Ideas for Notes or Vaults You Can Create in Obsidian

    Today on AppAddict - Play: Save Videos, Watch Later is a $2.99 app in the App Store that lets you add videos to your watch later list that can then be tagged or sorted by any criteria. A universal app, Play can be curated on your Mac and then watched on your AppleTV. A great app.

    Today on AppAddict - Default Folder X an OG App for Mac Power Users. It’s used to streamline and enhance finding, opening, saving and moving files and folders.

    Today on AppAddict - Two free apps from Objective-See, BlocKBlock and KnockKnock, both designed to alert you to the installation of persistent apps on your Mac. If you keep your Mac up to date and only install apps from the app store, you are probably OK. If you install from elsewhere, get these.

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    Today on AppAddict - Lingon X, a tool for examining everything running in the background on your Mac and for scheduling your own events (app launches, scripts, file moves, emails, reminders etc.)

    10 Random But Helpful #Obsidian Tips

    1. Sort All Your Attachments in A Folder That Mirrors Your Vault

    With the Attachment Management community plugin, you can have all your attachments renamed to match the note they are attached to and arranged in a sub-folder that matches the folder arrangement of your vault.

    2. Add a Web Page to Your Vault on iOS

    This one is just an iOS shortcut [that works with any browser, not just Safar](RoutineHub • Clip Entire Web Pages to Obsidian in iOS 17). You’ll need Actions for Obsidian to make it work.

    This requires the Dataview community plugin

    > [!abstract]Today's New Notes
    > ```dataview
    > LIST WHERE creation-date = this.creation-date
    > ```

    4. Have New Notes Give You a Popup To Name Them

    This requires the Templater community Plugin. This snippet gives you a pop-up when you first create your notes asking you to name it at that point. You type the name into the resulting dialog box and that’s that taken care of. (Note: This snippet goes at the very top of your note at Line 1. It creates the three tick marks that are the beginning of the code block for your properties.)

      let title = tp.file.title  
      if (title.startsWith("Untitled")) {  
    	title = await tp.system.prompt("Title");  
    	await tp.file.rename(title);  
      tR += "---"

    5. Automatically Download Images from Any Web Page You Import

    The default behavior is for the web pages you download to link the images the original source, but you can automate having them downloaded so the links don’t get broken. All you have to do to make this happen is install the community plugin Local Images Plus and change the setting to “Automatically Processing”

    6. Create a Map of Content Automatically for Any Folder or Subfolder That You Can Copy and Paste as Plain Text

    If you use Dataview to create MOCs, good luck exporting or copying them. You need two plugins for to make that happen Folder Note and Waypoint.

    A Waypoint Created MOC

    7. Use Cool Icons With All of Your Obsidian Folders

    If you’d like to visually enhance your folders like shown below, install the Iconize community plugin.

    Obsidian Folders with Icons

    8. Import Entire Articles from Omnivore, Not Just Highlights and Notes

    If you want to use the free red-it-later service to import the entire text of web pages instead of the default behavior which just brings in highlights and notes, you can tweak your article template like this.

    > # {{{title}}}
    > #Omnivore
    > [Read on Omnivore]({{{omnivoreUrl}}})
    > [Read Original]({{{originalUrl}}})
    > {{#note}}
    > {{{note}}}
    > {{/note}}
    > {{{ content }}}

    9. Customize Your Sidebars

    In Obsidian, you can drag and drop elements like notes, links, or files to the sidebars to move or create new links. Simply drag the element you want to move and drop it onto the sidebar where you want it to be placed.

    The right sidebar of the Obsidian Window

    10. To Add a Geotag and Timestamp to a Note on iOS

    This one requires Drafts, which all Mac/iOS users should have any way. This action will append the info to your daily note but it is easy to edit to create a note instead of appending it.

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    Today on AppAddict - Lockdown Privacy Desktop - A simple free open-source firewall with pre-configured rules, a good choice if you are setting up a Mac for less advanced users or want no hassle protection.

    Today on AppAddict - MusicBox is a read-it-later service, except it’s for music, not text. If you find a song or album from Spotify, Apple Music or Tidal but don’t have time to listen, add it to MusicBox where you can see it’s metadata or use shortcuts to automate things.

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