There Ought To Be a Law
You are probably familiar with Betteridge's Law of Headlines whether you know its name or not. The law is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." It's a common sense analysis of a journalistic practice where publications seek to avoid being incorrect when they aren't certain about an outcome. Were they certain, the story they published on the topic would have been presented as a certainty.
Becoming familiar with the thinking behind Betteridge's Law is a good step on the road to media literacy.
Betteridge's Law of Headlines | Tools for Thinking
YSK the fundamentals of Betteridge's Law of Headlines
The Blog and Newsletter
Ian Betteridge is still around and still saying smart things. He's one of the more experienced tech journalists still plying the trade. His crtitiques of Apple, other journalists and the Internet writ large, are generally dead on and entertaining.
Ian Betteridge - Ian's Blog
One of the best newsletters I get each week is Ian's 10 Blue Links. The stories are generally topical and tech related. Ian point's out hypocrisy and industry bullshit with deadly accuracy.
Ten Blue Links, “good news, bad news, old news” edition
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