
I did something today I've only done a couple of times in the 21st century. I quit my job. Technically, leaving my previous job wasn't quitting. It was retiring. I spent 27 years working for the state of NC before sailing off into the sunset. I ended up not liking my first shot at retirement, but I think this time will be different. For the past two years I've been an end user support specialist at a private university in the town where I live. The students and 99% of the faculty were great to work with. The atmosphere in tech has really changed though. A lot of time and energy is spent on what is essentially security theater. While there is information the law requires an IT department do everything in its power to protect, there are also lots of restrictions placed on folks that are there purely for show and don't do a damn thing to make data more secure. It makes me crazy. So I turned in my notice. My last day at work will also be my last day in my 50s. My 60th birthday will be the first day of my second retirement.

To celebrate my impending freedom, I found a few good stories about people leaving jobs to share with you.

Quitting Stories- Funny & True Stories | NotAlwaysRight.com

The CRAZIEST Job Quitting Stories You Will Ever Hear - Don’t Try These Yourself - YouTube

30 Hilarious Ways People Quit Their Jobs

4 of the wildest quitting stories we've ever heard

‘I’m outta here': Employees Share Stories About Quitting on the First Day - FAIL Blog - Funny Fails

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