Like the memorable scene from the Big Lebowski, I sometimes feel the need to remind people on the Internet that there is some structure to the world and that failing to acknowledge that can leave you entering a world of pain.

Read the Room

Every online community develops its own personality, its in jokes and its taboos. Take some time to learn them. You may not agree with them, and if not that's OK. Stick around, earn some respect and maybe you can play a part in changing things over time.

Gatekeeping Makes You Look Like a Jerk

I've run into some remarkable people online - like a developer who worked on the original version of the Safari web browser, a guy who was coming up with ideas for the Mac OS X dock while the rest of us were still using Classic, the guy who coined the law "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." I've read many, many social media and blog posts by these illustrious folks and I have never seen one of them try to throw their weight around or act exclusive in any way. Everyone has been a newb and no one is an expert on everything. Cool it with the gatekeeping.

Unless It is Morally Necessary - Do Not "Well Actually" Folks

Sometimes accountability needs to be the order of the day and fate might select you as the person who has to bring it about, but be honest. That's not going to happen regularly and once you've had a turn calling out something egregious, let someone else do it next time. Don't make yourself the Internet Sheriff. Most of the time, someone making a mistake online can just be ignored. Plenty of people will recognize where they are falling short, You don't get any points for correcting other grown ups.

Resist the Urge to Tell People Why You Hate the Thing They Love

I feel like this ought to be easier than it seems to be. But, it's not. Go some place on the Internet tonight and proclaim your love for your favorite ice cream, car, web browser, vacation spot, sexual position or just about anything elese and it won't be long before someone arrives to tell you why it sucks. I sure would like to start a movement to stop people from doing this.

We Are Living Through A Facsist Takeover of America - Don't Tell People Not to Talk Politics

Lucky me got to live most of my life playing this game on easy mode - straight, white and male. Sure I've had some tough times but none of them were because I'm straight or because I'm white or because I'm a dude. Of all the people that are going to get screwed over in the coming years, I'll probably be in the group that suffers the least real damage and yet I can not shut up about what's happening. People are freaking out and they have every reason to be. I get it that you are bored with it all. That you'd prefer not to be constantly reminded of how horrible things are for people. Just keep that to yourself. Go spend some time alone. Don't try to police what people want to talk about in the Year of Our Lord 2025, because a lot of them want to talk about how an evil bunch of people are attacking some of the most vulnerable members of society.


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