
Before I ever bought a domain or opened an account on the modern social web, I discovered HeyDingus! while trying to find some information to solve a problem I was having. I spent the rest of the afternoon just browsing through the archives. When I was done I shot an email to the owner of the blog, Jarrod Blundy to let him know how much I appreciated his writing. Much to my surprise, I got a response. It turned out to be one of many exchanges I've had with Jarrod over the past year. He is a real role model for the ethos of what the IndieWeb should be IMHO - a mix of public service, autobiography and community building.

Here are a few Jarrod's helpful projects"

  • Shortcuts Library - HeyDingus - a collection of 36 hand-crafted shortcuts for macOS an iOS, some of which I use every single day. Jarrod also does freelance shortcuts if you need help.
  • One a Month Club - If you are a blogger seeking support from your readers, don't reinvent the wheel. The One a Month Club is convenient and easy. I'm supporting six different bloggers with a monthly contribution, including Jarrod.
  • 7 Things from HeyDingus - If you like link dumps as much as I do, be on the lookout for this weekly collection, many of which I have re-shared in my own links posts. Sometimes the collection is themed, sometimes it's not.
  • Lists - HeyDingus - Some interesting writing on topics including an Apple Wish List, a Blogroll, a Podroll and Favorite Quotes. This page is a fun rabbit hole to fall down.

Follow Jarrod

💌 Email: jarrod@heydingus.net

⭐ Micro.blog: @jarrod (RSS)

🦣 Mastodon: @jarrod@micro.blog

📷 Instagram: @heyjb.me

🧵 Threads: @heyjb.me

🦋 Bluesky: @heyjb.me

📺 Trakt: @heyjarrod

🍿 Letterboxd: @jblundy

🎵 Apple Music: @heyjarrod

📚 Goodreads: @heyjarrod

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