MacTracker - Can You Call Yourself a Fanboy If You Don't Have This Installed?

When I began my career in Mac support, my first task was replacing hard drives in hundreds of Mac LC 575s along with adding an Ethernet card because we were getting Internet access in every classroom. It was a heady time. The new computers we were purchasing were Bondi Blue first generation G3 iMacs. Having come from the PC world, I needed reference material for all the new hardware I was being presented. One of my co-workers told me about MacTracker and for the last quarter of a century I've had a copy of this great app installed on every Mac I have ever owned or been assigned.
MacTracker is a stand-alone hardware and software database of every Mac model that's even been made. It gives you info on:
- processor speed
- memory
- graphic cards
- supported OS versions
- price
- storage
- expansion options
MacTracker provides information on more than just laptops, desktops and servers. It also covers:
- iPhone
- iPad
- Apple Watch and
- Apple Vision Pro
- Newton
- Apple TV
- Apple accessories
- audio displays
- modems
- printers scanners
- storage
- Wi-Fi products
- operating systems
If you have even a passing interest in Mac history, you owe it to yourself to download and peruse this free app. If you are considering tinkering with vintage models, you definitely need this. The program lets you add computers to a section called "My Models" if you want to compare the different Macs you own or have used. It has limited serial number lookups if you are unsure of the model you are working on. You can link to MacTracker from other apps. Each model listed has information on whether it is considered still in support, vintage or obsolete.