Connect Your Mac Apps with IFTTT

As a Mac automation fan, I make use of apps most people are
familiar with, like Keyboard
Maestro, Hazel
and Better
Touch Tool. Since 2010, however, I have also used a web service to
connect a wide variety of websites (including Reddit) and Mac apps in a
number of ways. That service is IFTTT (If
This Then That) and it offers over 2000 integrations with apps and
web services many of then Mac compatible.
Here are some of the ways I use IFTTT with Mac Apps
Create Day One Journal Entries
- Social media posts from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
- Liked YouTube videos
- Saved Pocket articles
- RSS feeds from Mastodon and my blogs
- A geofence around my office to record what time I get to work (requires iPhone)
- TV shows watched via Trakt
- Daily weather report
- Starred articles saved to Pocket
- Create new task in Things 3 to read starred articles
- Saved posts copied to Dropbox as text files
Google Sheets
- Save URLs of Pockets articles
- Save TV shows watched via Trakt
- Save URLs of bookmarks
- Record arrivals and departures from office (Requires iPhone)
- Save bookmarks to Notion
Apple Photos
- Save a copy of iOS screenshots to Google Drive
IFTTT is a subscription service. Billed annually, it is $3.33 a month. Billed monthly, the rate is $3.99.