I wrote this 27 years ago in the midst of the first blogging boom on the brand new Internet. Since then the skill of the average blogger has long since passed me by. I've only been back in the game for a couple of months, but back then I thought I new something. If you're old like me and have been around awhile, maybe this will spark a few memories.
I am certainly no expert when it comes to designing web pages. I created my very first one In August of 1997, less than a month ago as of this writing. Still, I  am an old timer when it comes to the online world. I've been surfing in some form or fashion for nearly f-o-u-r years. Read'em and weep, you neophyte  newbie wannabes! Actually I don't mean that at all. I encourage all sorts of people to take part in the online world. I even want my own sacred mother to hook up her modem. I couldn't bear to think of anyone calling her names, so I take it back. I shall reserve my venom for those experienced web creators who insist on committing the following sins. 

 1. Having a nice piece of HTML displayed on your page BECAUSE you typed the code wrong and then didn't proofread it before you uploaded it on your server. 
 2. Displaying the message "Please be patient, this page is graphics intensive, BUT, I've been told that it's worth it!" Oh yeah, told by who…your Mom and Grandma? No one wants to wait for Carter to get re-elected while waiting for your page to load, even if you are giving directions to the fountain of youth!. 

   3. Hogging MY bandwidth because your vanity makes you display all of your awards on you opening page. If I ever win any awards (HA!) I promise to create a separate page to display them. That way I can give Grandma and Mom the address…and tell them how to get their browser to open to that very page.

   4. Let's see a show of hands. Who really likes those embedded midi files?

   5. Please look up spell checker in the dictionary!

   6. Why is your page too wide for my screen and why do you think I'm going to adjust my monitor just to look at it? I like the way my monitor is set, NOW. That's why I have it that way. Do you really think Mom and Grandma know how to change their resolution and colors?

   7. If you make a cheesy site, at least add your cheesy address so we can flame you for your efforts.