Celebrate the Victories

plummer kids Me, my sister and my brother

Last week my sister sent messaged me about a failed drive from which she needed some files recovered. She is pretty savvy with computers. She's pretty savvy with most things. Not only that, but she has never used me for free tech support, so I knew this had to be important. She explained that twenty years worth of files from her career as a Methodist pastor were on the drive, her "whole life" as she put it. I told her she could send me the drive, and I'd see what I could do. I didn't lecture her about backups or anything like that.

Over the years, I've been approached by more than one crying person holding a USB drive or a laptop. I've seen people lose the only copy of their not yet submitted master's thesis, the only copy of their wedding video and twenty years worth of lesson plans by one unfortunate middle school teacher. Sometimes I've been able to rescue files but more frequently, despite my best efforts, I haven't been able to help people who have asked, despite badly wanting to.

My sister's drive arrived by mail tonight. It was a 2TB Western Digital external hard drive with a USB3 connector. I added an adaptor and plugged it into my laptop, and it mounted immediately, a good sign. It was formatted with an NTFS (Windows) file system. Unfortunately, instead of showing me the file system, I just got a message that said, "Drive Not Available." That was not a good sign.

The data recovery application I own is called Disk Drill. I'm a Mac user, but the company that makes it also has a Windows version. Disk Drill scanned the drive, and it was able to see files on it. It wanted me to make a byte for byte copy, but I didn't have another 2TB drive on hand. I had two 1TB hard drives and a dual drive bay, though. I used the Mac disk utility to combine the two physical drives into one logical drive and tried to initiate the copy again, but still got a message that the drive was too small. Since I knew that there was less than 100 GB of actual data on the drive, I was able to adjust the size of the number of bytes to be copied and the backup started. Although data seemed to be moving quickly, the progress indicator said the backup would take 28 hours. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Rather than doing a byte for byte copy, which also includes empty space, I elected to Disk Drill's recovery option instead. I initiated it and began to copy files, sometimes quickly and at other times seeming to stop. I got messages about the disk having physical damage, but the program never quit. After about 90 minutes, I had 86K files recovered.

I called my sister and asked her to identify the most critical files and folders so that we could see if they were among the rescued files. They were. She lives just over 100 miles from me, so we agreed that I would begin to upload the data to my Google Drive and that I'd send her a link when it was done. As gently as humanly possible, I suggested that she start keeping two copies of her files. She explained to me that the situation was complicated.

In the process of being assigned a new church, she discovered that her laptop, which is indeed hers and not the property of her employer, had been set up by the tech folks at the church she was leaving to use their One Drive. She had not been aware of that and didn't discover it until she went to look for her personal files and discovered they weren't available through the user profile she now had access to. She got temporary access to the old account and copied her files onto her external drive and then deleted them. And then, of course, the drive failed.

That's where I entered the story, a story that looks like it is going to have a happy ending. My sister has done a lot for me and my kids over the years. Being able to do this for her is just me repaying some of the karmic debt I've incurred. Always celebrate your victories, like I'm celebrating this one.

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Using Google Photos on iOS Makes Leaving Meta Easier

Google Photos
Google Photos

If you've had enough of corporate owned social media, specifically Facebook and Instagram, and are investigating how to preserve your photographic memories, the quickest and easiest way, if you have space available, is to transfer them to Google Photos. You can do it from your iPhone.

  1. Click the plus button at the top of the screen
  2. Then click "Import from other places"
  3. Select Facebook and when you authenticate, you will be offered the opportunity to import from your Instagram account(s) as well.

Other Reasons to use Google Photos for iOS

  1. Cross-platform support - if you use both iOS and Android devices, perhaps two different phones or a phone and tablet, Google photos is much easier to access on an iPhone than trying to access iCloud Photos from a browser on Android.
  2. Automatic Backups - Google photos can upload your iPhone photographs automatically and delete the originals to free up space
  3. More Free Storage - Apple only provides 5GB of free storage with iCloud, while Google provides 15GB
  4. Google Lens is baked in - In my experience, Google machine learning does a better job of searching through my photo collection than Apple's tools
  5. Create Movies and Collages - Google photos also has decent editing tools in the stock app. You get even more if you have a Google One subscription.
  6. Manage Everything in iOS - With Google Photos, you can do complete management of your library right from your phone: share photos, create albums, editing etc.

There's nothing stopping you from using Google Photos and iCloud for a redundancy. Just remember, both of these services are syncing services. That's different from a backup. If you delete photos from either app, using the wrong procedure, they will stay in your trash for a period of time, but then they will be gone forever.

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An early morning view of the Green Mountains in Vermont, taken through the kitchen window of a kind stranger who fed my wife and me two meals and let us spend the night in her home, take showers and wash our clothes when we were hiking through her area. #photography

A scenic view of a mountain range at sunrise. The sky is a mix of blues, whites, and pinks/oranges, suggesting the transition between day and night. There's a layer of fog or mist hanging over the lower parts of the mountains, giving them a hazy, layered appearance. The foreground is framed by dark silhouettes of trees on either side and in the center, creating a natural frame for the landscape. The overall impression is one of tranquility and natural beauty.

The "I'm Not a Computer Person" People


Here at the tail end of a career where I've spent at least some portion of my time providing technical support to the end users of technology in industry, education, medicine, insurance and banking, there isn't much I haven't seen. That includes devious middle school kids getting around security protocols designed by the brightest minds at Apple. It also includes people with multiple advanced degrees who can't read instructions on a screen that tell them to click a button labeled "Next."

I was around when Internet connectivity was introduced to the workplace. I worked with truly lovely and talented teachers at the tale end of long careers who valiantly tried to switch from paper grade books to buggy DOS-based student information systems. They would apologize when asking for help and just about always use the phrase "I am not a computer person." I'd say "That's OK, I don't know how to teach kindergarten." Some learned faster than others. Some, sadly, never learned and retired.

OK, that was a quarter of a century ago. I don't have that attitude any more. According to Consumer Affairs, 91% of adults in the US have a smart phone - which is a hand held computer with an operating system. Computer skills are taught in public schools. Most universities require students to have a laptop. Desktops and laptops have been ubiquitous in business for many years. And yet, and yet - I still get hit with "I'm not a computer person."

Somehow, the decision makers in many workplaces have decided that demonstrating competency with one of the basic tools of a job isn't a requirement. They hire people like me to hold the hands of their employees, enabling them to forego skill development because they can just call IT when they can't find a file they were working on yesterday or they've forgotten their password for the third time this month or they can't figure out how to make PDFs open in Adobe Reader.

We require our employees to figure out how to get to work. When automotive technology changes, we don't hold their hand to show them how to plug in an EV. People buy Smart TVs every day, and they figure out how to watch Monday Night Football. Most of my fellow grandparent types manage to get Candy Crush installed.

It absolutely blows my mind how many people using Windows don't know how to find apps by clicking on the start button. I've spent over 30 years being told by IT managers to put the icons for MS Office and the installed browsers on every user's desktop. I don't expect people to use a hex editor or anything, but come on, why do we work from an expectation that people are stupid? Why isn't learning to use a password manager a basic skill? There's a sizable population who truly refuses to use self-service password resets. If they can't call the help desk to get their password reset, they just sit there, not working. WTF?

I've probably written a version of this post four or five times before. I'll finally retire soon enough and then I won't worry about it anymore. It will be someone else's turn.

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Personality Tests


I had a boss once who went to some leadership seminar where he learned about the Meyers Briggs personality. He thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread and wanted all the technical people in the IT department to take it immediately. I was on vacation because my grandson was visiting from out of state. The boss practically begged me to come in to work anyway for an afternoon to take the test. I acquiesced, against my better judgement, and humored him. After we all took the test, and they were evaluated, all hell broke loose. My departmental nemesis and I got the same assessment, and she was not having it. She was furious. I thought it was funny. I've tried unsuccessfully to find the results from that day. I wish I could tell you. If you're interested, you can take it yourself for free.

I'd love to hear anyone's experience with life after this assessment. Did you find it helpful? Did you agree with it? Did my boss violate my privacy?

One other bit of personal experience - when I was a correctional officer, I worked for a time in an in-processing center where we admitted inmates from jail. There they had to take a battery of tests, medical and psychological tests, including the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, a 600 question torture session that they all tried to pencil whip, forcing the staff psychologist to tell them that their answers indicated all sorts of horrible traits, whereupon the inmates would grudgingly try to answer the questions for fear of being labeled as a "bug", prison slang for the mentally ill.

Myers Briggs Type Preferences Perception Judgment

Personality Tests | Psychology Today - 45 different tests, including "Are you a psychopath," "Assertiveness Test" and "Emotional Intelligence" test.

Personality Tests Are Useless (Most Of Them Anyway)

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Recent Additions at MacMenuBar

MacMenuBar Website
MacMenuBar Website

One of the websites that stay open in my browser at all times is MacMenubar.com. It's a deep resource for new Mac apps in multiple categories. It currently features links and short descriptions to over 1,000 applications. Here's a list of the latest additions and links to all the different types of apps on the site.

  • Kleanly - Clean your Mac's keyboard, trackpad and display - With just a tap, Kleanly lets you completely disable your keyboard and trackpad, allowing you to clean them without turning your Mac off.
  • Trace - This menu bar app tracks the active apps and websites you visit without requiring any extra plugins or extensions (works with Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Arc, Brave, Chromium, and more).
  • Onliner on the Mac App Store - Onliner keeps you “online” effortlessly by simulating undetectable mouse activity in the background. Ideal for remote workers and professionals, Onliner ensures uninterrupted focus and avoids idle status notifications. Simple, efficient, and smarter than any mouse jiggler.
  • fayazarahawa A simple white noise app which sits in the menubar - Hawa means air/breeze in Hindi. This menubar plays ambient sounds to help you focus on your work or relax. You can choose from a variety of sounds, adjust the volume of each sound individually, or create your own mix.
  • Deskeen - Capture your insight! - This menu bar app is designed to efficiently capture your screen. Every feature is accessible through quick keyboard shortcuts. Deskeen can read everything, from symbols to languages.
  • RSS Ticker News Feed on the Mac App Store - This menu bar app is an RSS reader designed to mimic the ticker display seen on forex stock exchange boards. News feeds update automatically when their respective RSS feeds are refreshed. The free version is limited to a single RSS feed.
  • Sudoku Anyway on the Mac App Store - This menubar app features unlimited puzzles, five difficulty levels, customizable board colors, and helpful hints.
  • Learn Flags - Menu Edition on the Mac App Store - Learn world flags and boost your memory with this quick-access menubar game.
  • Captain for Mac - Manage Docker containers instantly from your menu bar. See which containers are running and which have stopped.
  • RightMenu Master 1.11.0 - This menu bar app is a Finder extension that adds powerful functionality to the right-click menu and toolbar in Finder.
  • Overkill-for-mac Stop iTunes from opening when you connect your iPhone - This menu bar app makes sure iTunes never interrupts your work. If you have other apps you don’t want to launch automatically (e.g. Photos app), you can add those apps to the Overkill list as well.
  • Let It Snow - A touch of winter with snowflakes that gracefully drift across your screen.
  • MenuBarGrid on the Mac App Store - Turn Google Sheets into powerful menu bar apps. Customize layouts, automate updates, and manage projects effortlessly.
  • Ping MenuBar - This menu bar app displays ongoing ping (ICMP) results as a compact visualization. The design is similar to Pingr.
  • NeverNap in the Mac App Store - NeverNap keeps your Mac awake, preventing sleep or screensaver activation for 5 minutes or indefinitely. It ensures smooth operation without manual system adjustments.

Categories at MacMenuBar

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How Do You Know When It's Over?


I'm not one you worries about endings that much. In my experience, they are difficult to predict and arrive suddenly. Jobs, marriages, friendships, passions are all here until they are not. Buddhists believe that everything is disintegrating from the moment it is created. So do I. Permanence is an illusion. Thinking back on the giants I've known and how I could not conceive of a world without them and now what do I have? I have a world without them.

I am not implying that my wife or your is going to leave either of us tomorrow, although you never know what's going to happen tomorrow. Because all rules have exceptions, there are cases where things apparently haven't changed over the course of my lifetime. No matter what I've done, and I have certainly done much, my dear Mom has always been there. Always. Always. Always.

Within one month's time, I went from a child walking in a line to the lunchroom, raising my hand when I wanted to speak and asking permission to use the bathroom to being handed a rifle and shooting at human silhouettes representing the enemies of my country. Childhood ended abruptly at the gates of Ft. Benning. More than once, I had a job when I woke up and didn't have one when I went to sleep. It could happen again tomorrow.

Any reunion worth its salt will have a table with pictures of those who could not be there to celebrate. Because they died. In fact they start dying immediately, and they just keep on doing it. The rest of us keep getting up and going to work until we join them and someone puts our picture in the table at the next reunion.

I have a point.

I'm getting to it.

Just live. Do your job and try not to love it or hate it too much. It's just a job. Love your wife today. Don't wait for things to get better or different before you're ready to put in that extra effort. Friendships can wither if you don't water them, so fill up your bucket and make some phone calls or get in your car and go see someone. If you have a passion, and god I hope you do because that's what makes life worth living, then act on it today. Ride your bike, write in your journal, get out your camera, go to the gym. Do it today. It's all you have.

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What Happens When You Get Used to Evil Companies

2025-01-13 at 15

It's only human to become used to even the worst of news. When you hear the same types of events reported for the hundredth time though, it's hard to attach any emotion to it. Most people who use social media are at least peripherally aware that the big companies that own Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and others have been caught doing everything from violating users' privacy and lying about it to undermining a US election by platforming a Russian intelligence agency. Maybe you even know about the resistance these companies have put up to cracking down on child sexual abuse material and bullying that's resulted in teen suicides. I case some of this sounds a little unfamiliar, let me just remind you of a few of the things that users of these platforms are implicitly condoning.

FTC Imposes $5 Billion Penalty and Sweeping New Privacy Restrictions on Facebook | Federal Trade Commission - I case you're wondering, this happened during the first Trump administration, not under the Democrats. Facebook blatantly lied for years to users to lull them into thinking their personal information was protected while selling it to the highest bidder, including personal telephone numbers. It subjected users photographs to illegal facial recognition software.

Anti-Semitic social posts 'not taken down' in 80% of cases - Even when notified of Neo-Nazis posting hateful and derogatory content, the big platforms only take action in one case out of four. On the other hand, I've had posts removed that extolled the French resistance against the Nazis in World War Two removed. I recently posted a cover of Time Magazine's Man of the Year for 1936 (Hitler) to compare it to 2024's MOY (Trump). That post was also removed.

Facebook and Instagram are steering child predators to kids, New Mexico AG alleges - CBS News - An undercover investigation set up phony accounts of fictional teens and preteens, using photographs generated by artificial intelligence. Meta's algorithms recommended sexual content to those accounts, which were also subject to a stream of explicit messages and propositions from adults on the platforms.

Has Social Media Fuelled a Teen-Suicide Crisis? | The New Yorker - A product manager at Facebook named Frances Haugen. Haugen, ...released thousands of the company’s internal documents to the Securities and Exchange Commission and to the Wall Street Journal, claiming that the company knew about the harmful effects of social media on mental health but consistently chose “profit over safety.”

Snapchat brushed aside warnings of child harm, documents show : NPR - An internal email shows the company received around 10,000 reports of sextortion per month. Employees pointed to one account that had 75 complaints against it, and it wasn't taken down. Internally, Snapchat said that addressing child grooming would create privacy issues and be too expensive.

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FSNotes - A Free and Open-Source Successor to NValt

FSNotes Interface
FSNotes Interface

FSNotes is a plain text note editor with a two-pane interface of Brett Terpstra's classic Nvalt, which ceased development in 2017. FSNotes has an extensive feature set for run-of-the-mill notes and for developers. If you have an existing folder of plain text or Markdown notes, you can access them from FSNotes by moving or copying the files to the default folder or by changing the path to the folder you are already using.

There are built-in keyboard shortcuts for searching your notes database, creating a new note from the clipboard contents and for creating new notes. You can choose a default external editor if you want to use something like Bbedit or Cot. The two pane layout can be used side by side or over/under. You can change the appearance and color of the app, as well as light/dark themes and the fonts used for notes and code. Line spacing and margins are also adjustable. Aside from encryption, you can also lock the app with a master password.

Features Included

  • Markdown-first. Also supports any plaintext files.
  • Fast and lightweight. Works smoothly with 10k+ files.
  • Access anywhere. Sync with iCloud Drive or Dropbox. (iCloud required for iOS syncing)
  • Multi-folder storage.
  • Keyboard-centric. nvalt-inspired controls and shortcuts.
  • Syntax highlighting within code blocks. Supports over 170 programming languages.
  • In-line image support.
  • Organize with tags.
  • Cross-note links using [[double brackets]].
  • Elastic two-pane view. Choose a vertical or horizontal layout.
  • External editor support (changes seamless live sync with UI).
  • Pin important notes.
  • Quickly copy notes to the clipboard.
  • Dark mode.
  • AES-256 encryption.
  • Mermaid and MathJax support.
  • Optional Git versioning and backups.

You can examine the code and download the current version for free on GitHub. If you wish to support development and receive automatic updates, you can get FSNotes on the Mac App Store for $8.99. There is also an iOS version which can sync with iCloud.

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A Non-Believer's Appreciation of Religion

2025-01-12 at 19

Despite having tried mightily for many years, I've never experienced a moment of true belief in God in all my time on planet Earth. I grew up attending church. I took my kids to church. I've been baptized in three different denominations. I owe my life to a program that is riddled through and through with references to God (there are loopholes) and yet I just can't muster up any conviction that there's anything like a deity. I just can't do it.

I'm not angry with religion. I don't think religious people are stupid or always deluded. I think there's a lot of wisdom and practical life advice in many tenets of various faiths, including Christianity, the one with which I am most familiar. If you don't believe the golden rule has practical applications in personal relationships, we probably won't be friends. Unlike a lot of in your face Christians though, I am much more comfortable with the Beatitudes than I am with the 10 Commandments. "Blessed are the peacemakers. Blessed are the merciful" I can get behind that.

My sister is a minister in the Methodist Church. Aside from religion, we share a lot of similar beliefs about the world and about the solutions for its problems. I get angry when someone makes it known how much they love Jesus and yet they vote for a party or politicians who promise to cut food programs for the poor, as an example. My sister explained how some people truly believe that the answer to poverty is the food kitchen at their church, where they donate their time and money, taking a personal interest in the people who show up there. OK. I think that kind of labor and commitment is admirable. I don't think it's a comprehensive answer to poverty, but I don't look down on it.

When there are natural disasters, and I live in hurricane country where they are common, there are organized teams from faith based organizations who show up with boots on the ground to help people. The provide food and other necessities to anyone who needs it. Habitat for Humanity has a great record of helping people achieve home ownership. Mission teams routinely go to Haiti and other impoverished counties in this hemisphere to provide medical care and construction labor. That's real tangible stuff.

Yes, there are massive problems and contradictions with religion worldwide and particularly in my country. Covering up the sexual abuse of children by priests for decades is inexcusable. The church's attitude toward the LGBT community is a direct contradiction to the premise that God is love. The right-wing claim to be the party of God is offensive to anyone, even non-believers, who have ever read the Bible. The persecution of immigrants, the denial of food, shelter and medical care to people in need in a country with so much excess wealth is obscene. I'm not making any excuses for that.

Except for the believing in God part, most of my personal ethical and moral standards would past muster with the church. When I see someone who is comforted by their faith, I am nothing but happy for them. It's a damn cruel world and all of us has to take comfort wherever we can find it.

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Automations Make Macs Fun - Try These

Magic Hat

I use all kinds of apps and services on my Mac and iPhone to make things happen in the background to make my life easier. I like to reserve my headspace for things I enjoy contemplating, like where I'm going to get my next order of tacos. I don't like having to remember to do things, mostly because I'm not that good at it. Here are a few of my favorite "set it and forget it" workflows.

Journaling with Day One

My first Day One entry was in January 2014. Since then, I have over 20,000 separate posts that are backed up online and synced to my iPhone, iPad and Mac. Here are the entry types that get automatically created:

  • Liked YouTube videos
  • Posts from all three of my blogs
  • Articles I save to Pocket
  • Mastodon posts
  • Every TV show and movie I watch
  • Daily weather reports
  • Books I add to Goodreads

All of these automations are done with IFTTT, may of them with RSS feeds. - Day One Integrations - Connect Your Apps with IFTTT

Time of Day and other Triggers with Keyboard Maestro

Keyboard Maestrohas a long list of triggering events that cause automations to run in the background. Here are a few of my favorites.

  • Time of Day Trigger - an hour before I get up, Keyboard Maestro ejects my backup drive from my laptop so all I have to do is unplug it when I start the day - no more error messages because I was bleary-eyed and forgot to go through the procedure.
  • Time of Day Trigger - at 2AM,Keyboard Maestro launches a file synchronization appthat backs up my Obsidian vault to Google Drive and then quits.
  • Login Trigger - At work, whenever I log into my computer, all of my open apps are hidden so that if people are standing around my desk, they don't get to see what web pages I had opened when I left to go get a cup of coffee. It's none of their business.

File Magic With Hazel

Hazel is a Mac app that watches specified folders on your computer for certain conditions. When those conditions are met, it performs any of a long list of actions on the files.

  • When I left Evernote, I missed being able to send emails to my my new notes app,Obsidian, so I created a workflow that gives me that non-native capability.
  • Add images I download from the Internet to the Mac photos app - without even opening Photos
  • With the help off a 99-cent app from the app store, Hazel automatically mounts downloaded DMG archives, extracts the program contained within, moves it to my Applications folder and dismounts the archive.

Obsidian Tricks

At it's core, Obsidian is just a plain text markdown editor. The power comes from it's massive 2000-plus and counting available plug-ins. Here are a few automations they allow me to set up.

Unsplash Wallpaper App - Free Unlimited Wallpapers at Your Fingertips

Unsplash Wallpapers
Unsplash Wallpapers

Unsplash is one of the largest providers of royalty-free images in the world. Without an account, you can search for, download and use any one of the millions of photographs on the site. For photography fans or anyone who enjoys aesthetically pleasing wallpapers, Unsplash provides a free app to cycle the wallpaper on your displays at regular intervals: hourly, daily, weekly. You can also manually cycle in a new image. When using the manual settings, the app has a built-in viewer so you can see a reasonably sized thumbnail preview of the available images. The selected image is downloaded to your computer, helping you to create a permanent collection if you want one. It provides wallpapers for all attached displays and virtual desktops.

You can select one or more categories of images, from which the app will select new wallpapers. The default categories included with the app include:

  • Black and White
  • Nature
  • Beach
  • Animals
  • Space
  • Textures
  • Abstract
  • Editorial

You can also browse the thousands of collections on the Unsplash website and choose collections to add to the wallpaper app. One drawback is that you can only add one wallpaper collection at a time. To add a new collection, you have to remove your previous custom selection.

The app is available in the App store for free. It does not collect any information connected to your identity.

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How to Internet - 2025 Edition


Even after it became obvious that Facebook was an invasive cancer on not just the Internet, but all society, I kept my account. There were too many ways it was ingrained into my life. It was the way my cycling club announced rides and planned events. Friends who moved away years ago kept in touch with me through Facebook. So many people on the job where I worked for 20 years had accounts and I could up with them. I had 16 years of photos from family birthday parties, Christmas get-togethers and I could see my grandchildren's first days of school and their graduations. That's what kept me there. It wasn't for the opportunity to look at and post memes or to preach to the choir or lecture people on how to feel about this or that, although I did do some of all of that too. I'd use it occasionally when I got bored to see clips of the Beatles, old boxing matches and baseball games from my youth. It was good for that.

I had a Twitter account too, but it was never that important to me. I didn't have many real relationships there. I mainly followed hard new journalists and tech people. I liked to follow it during presidential debates, which make my stomach hurt if i try to watch them. I'd much rather read the astonished takes from journos about whatever put-downs the politicians were using on each other. When I started blogging, I used Twitter as just another place to put links to my app reviews and Obsidian how-to articles. I talked to a few people, but all my real interacting was happening on Mastodon. Finally, I decided I just couldn't be someone who hung out at that particular Nazi bar just to get a few more eyeballs on my little personal, n on-monetized blog. I closed my account and didn't have a single emotion as a result. It was just checking something off a to-do list.

When Mark Zuckerberg while wearing a $900,000 watch, announced last week that Meta was going to stop fact checking, I knew the end was near. Then that asshole went on Joe Rogan and lied. He claimed he was bullied by the meanies in the Biden administration who yelled at him for letting Republicans tell people not to wear masks or get vaccinated during the deadliest pandemic in a century. That was followed by an announcement that Meta was going to end its diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. As if that weren't enough, Facebook deleted content it had bragged about creating for trans and non-binary people. I couldn't take it.

I sat down and marked my Threads and Instagram accounts for deletion. I requested an archive of the thousands of pictures and posts I had on Facebook, dating all the way back to the George W. Bush administration. When that comes through, Facebook is gone. Down here in the south we still have plenty of all white organizations ranging from private swimming pools, to country clubs to churches and ceremonial military units. Those are just the organized all white organizations. Lots of ad hoc groups are intensely exclusionary, too. I made a point a long, long time ago to avoid all of that and never, ever willingly participate or endorse all white spaces. I'm not going to participate in fact free or gay free or trans free spaces either. I'm not going to be responsible for a single set of eyes looking at a damn thing Mark Zuckerberg or Elon Musk profit from. I am embarrassed that it took me so long.

It's been a decade since Facebook ran an experiment on the accounts of a whopping 600,000 people to see if it could make them sad by what it exposed them to. Yeah, they really did that and it worked. People found about it. It made the news. Nothing ever came of it because in America, billionaires are like Ricky Bobby's sons. They get to do whatever they want.

You do you. I'm not here to tell you that using Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, or Threads makes you a bad person. If you stay, I'll assume that you have a good reason. I just can't think of one that would let me use something that will be a prime means if spreading disinformation to millions of people, disinformation that will hurt and possibly even kill them. Too dramatic? I think not. That's what it comes down to. The people running that company and the politicians they are now supporting don't give a shit if you live or die. They just want to extract as much wealth from you as they can.

Get a Mastodon account. Get a Bluesky account. Just stay away from billionaire owned manipulation machines.

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The Anonymous Husband's Club

Dolly Parton's Husband

My wife and I work for the same private university. She's been there several years longer than I have, and she's the associate VP for finance and controller in charge of the finance department and some other stuff like the book store and the post office. She goes to meetings, has a corporate credit card, and people have to ask her for permission to do stuff. Me, I am the old guy in the IT department who you ask for a mouse when yours dies. If someone is giving me a hard time, i just casually mention who I am married to and they leave me alone. I have a system.

Of course, in her private life, she's a talented ultramarathon runner, winner of races from distances of 50K to 100 miles. She routinely outruns paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division and college athletes. We've been married since 2013. I'm her biggest cheerleader. Standing in her shadow is my favorite place to be.

I, as they say, used to be kinda famous in our circles too. I met her at one of many century (100 mile) bike rides I organized. I traveled all over this country and Europe as an organizer and speaker. Before I retired from my career job, I'd been the senior person in my role for years. These days though, my athletic career is over and I'd quit my job before I let them promote me to a position with more authority or responsibility. There's not even a war for me to protest. I'm fine thanks.

Here are some stories about other guys in the anonymous husbands club.

24 Times Celebrities Married—or Dated—Normal People | Vogue

What the Husbands of Stars Do for a Living

34 Celebrity Spouses You Didn't Know Existed

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Background Music - Per App Volume Control and More

Background Music
Background Music

When I am at work, I like to leave my system volume setting in the midrange. I want to be able to hear incoming mail alerts and calls on Microsoft Teams. What I expressly do not want is have anything from YouTube, or any other website suddenly playing through my iMac speakers. At home, I like to have music playing and I appreciate the convenience of having it stop and restart automatically if I decide to watch a video. The free app, Background Music can handle both of these tasks. You can set the volume for any app to a custom level (including muted).

The auto-pause feature currently supports the following music players:

You can also record system audio with Background Music. With Background Music running, launch QuickTime Player and select File > New Audio Recording (or New Screen Recording, New Movie Recording). Then click the dropdown menu (⌄) next to the record button and select Background Music as the input device.

You can download Background Music on GitHub.

Homebrew users can install it by running this command in Terminal

brew install --cask background-music

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I have it on good authority that this is @manton’s home screen. He also doesn’t exactly know why he has two RSS readers on there. David Pierce from the Installer newsletter from The Verge gave a nice shoutout to Micro.blog today and said that Micro One would be his choice if he were to start a blog.

This Week's Bookmarks - Cheapest Destinations, Make Life Easier, Avoiding Huge Medical Bills, Apple Music Features, Infiltrating Militias, Travel Destinations, CES 2025

The World’s Cheapest Destinations

The World's Cheapest Destinations: 21 Countries Where Your Money Is Worth a Fortune - You can travel internationally, and travel well, for less than you spend each month to put a roof over your head. You just need to pick the right places. Places where a fistful of dollars will pay for weeks of hotels, train rides, and meals.

One-off actions that’ll make your life easier. Practical betterments - # A collection of one-off actions that improve your life continuously — however marginally.

Is the doctor overcharging me? How to avoid huge medical bills and lower existing ones. | Vox - Your doctor orders blood work or requests you get a biopsy, or maybe your kid broke a bone and you need to rush to the emergency department. A few months later, a bill arrives in the mail with an astounding figure. Despite the federal No Surprises Act made into law in 2022 — which prevents providers from saddling patients with huge bills for out-of-network services — many Americans have felt the shock of a medical bill.

11 Hidden Features in Apple Music Every User Should Know About | Lifehacker - Apple Music (previously iTunes) is a behemoth of a music manager app for macOS and Windows—and it has changed and developed so much since its launch in 2001 that you may well have not come across everything this piece of software has to offer. It has evolved almost as rapidly as the digital music industry.

How a Mole Infiltrated the Highest Ranks of American Militias — ProPublica - - A Freelance Vigilante: A wilderness survival trainer spent years undercover, climbing the ranks of right-wing militias. He didn't tell police or the FBI. He didn't tell his family or friends.

2025 Travel Destinations: 52 Places to Go This Year - Where will the new year take you? Kick-start your travel plans by selecting favorites from the annual list.

The weirdest tech at CES 2025 - The Verge -  From encapsulated anime girls to an air-purifying cat tower, there was something for everyone at this year's Consumer Electronics Show.

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Life in Adventure Land

Wonder Woman

Tomorrow is Wonder Woman's birthday. To prove to everyone that age doesn't stop her, she's going on a four-run...but wait, there's more. Today we had a WFH opportunity because of the threat of snow. We decided to take some PTO and make the familiar drive to the Uwharrie National Forest, a couple of hours from where we live. Some call the place the Uwharrie Mountains and they were -- a couple of eons today. Today they are a series of short but steep climbs, although none of them are over 1,000 feet. One of the US National Scenic Trails runs through the forest and this is where she wants to run...in the snow...on her birthday.

We've been coming here for years. It is a fun place to hike and camp. There are also cosy little cabins available, which is where we're staying this weekend. We've tented through a snow and ice storm here before though, just to say we'd done it. In hindsight, it may not have been the most comfortable night's sleep I ever had, but it's a fond memory. The one-room cabin we are in is nice though. It's heated, has a kitchen, shower and wi-fi - just the basic essentials.

At the end of the month, we are going to Florida for a long weekend so Wonder Woman can keep a promise to her cousin to run the Miami Marathon with her. WW's extended family lives in the area. Her grandfather moved there in the fifties when he got out of the Army and my mother-in-laws siblings all stayed in the area. I've only been there once and that was more than thirty years ago on the way to Key West. It's always nice to get away from home and experience something new.

My 60th birthday is next month and we will be getting out of town for that too. There is a lakeside hotel about an hour away where we've been a couple of times. Of course it has easy access to an excellent running trail. There is a Lebanese restaurant there I really like, and it's what I've picked for my birthday dinner. I just want to lounge around for the weekend, do some writing, maybe watch a movie, visit the REI and relax.

I found out today that WW signed up for a race in South Carolina in March that lasts for 10 hours. The participants have to run a 5K every hour on the hour - for a total of 50K by the end of the day. Whoever has the fastest cumulative time will be the winner. The race is called Payton's Wild and Wacky 50K and it's in the low country area near Charleston where there are lots of great events. A few years ago she even got me to do the Bridge Run, which is one of the largest 10Ks in the world with over 40,000 participants. The next day we did a 100K bike ride, fittingly called The After the Bridge Run Ride.

If it weren't for Wonder Woman, I'd lead a pretty uneventful life, being a homebody and just getting out to go see the grandkids once in a while. With her in charge, I'm always riding shotgun, filling up her water bottles when asked, ringing a cowbell and cheering her on. I get to meet interesting people in the ultrarunning community and go to interesting places. I'm not complaining.

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Isolated Dialects - The Lumbee Indians and the High Tiders

Cape Hatteras

The US is a large country with well-known accents and dialects recognized all over the world. Just about anyone with a knowledge of the English language can distinguish a Southern drawl from a thick Brooklyn accent. What I find fascinating are the tiny, isolated dialects confined to small geographical locations. My home state of North Carolina has 100 counties. Two of them have dialects immediately recognizable.

Robeson County is the home of the Lumbee Native American tribe. You may not be familiar with this tribe, but it is one of the largest in the Eastern US. There are 55,000 tribal members in the county. Most Lumbees have classic English last names like Locklear, Oxendine, Dial and Lowery. Their distinctive dialect is instantly recognizable both for its unique pronunciations and vocabulary.

Do You Speak American . Sea to Shining Sea . American Varieties . Lumbee . Papers


Dare County is the location of North Carolina's Outer Banks, a thin strip of barrier islands. Natives of the region speak with is called the Hoi Toider (High Tider) or Tidewater accent. On Ocracoke Island or at Cape Hatteras, you will hear words like dingbatter, meehonkey and quamished.

What is the High Tider accent?

The Carolina Brogue: Outer Banks Vocabulary

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Cheatsheet - Mac, iOS, WatchOS

CheatSheet Mac
CheatSheet Mac

I have hundreds of contacts and I know almost no phone numbers. My job requires me to gain entrance to numerous rooms secured with keypad combinations. Remembering hotel room numbers is always a challenge. Don't put a gun to my head and ask me the license plated of my wife's car. My solution for quickly referencing these little pieces of information regardless of whether my phone or computer is in reach or not is Cheatsheet, a synchronized notes app I that allows me to enter information on my computer or phone that I can easily get to from any device, including my watch, which is a huge help.

With Cheatsheet, I can format notes with rich text if I want and assign one of 200 icons to them for easy visual recognition. I can search my notes within the app or in Spotlight. I can even create new notes with Siri, including type to Siri. Cheatsheet notes can be organized into folders. For security, the app can be protected by a passcode. Both the Mac and the iOS apps can be accessed via the share sheet or in widgets. The Mac also has menu bar access. There is shortcut support for creating, appending to moving and finding cheats. The iOS app featured a custom keyboard for inserting up to 50 different cheats into other applications.

Cheatsheet has been around for over a decade but is frequently updates. The Mac version costs $7.99 in the AppStore. The iOS version comes in a free and a pro version, which is $5.99 a year but it is what provides the ability to:

• Remove limits on the widget, keyboard, and Watch app.
• Protect your cheats with Passcode Lock.
• Organize your cheats with folders.
• Sync your cheats between your devices with iCloud.

If you love the app but hate subscriptions, you can purchase a lifetime license, albeit for the steep price of $69.99

Cheatsheet iOS
Cheatsheet iOS


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