From my 100 Strangers project - I asked LuAnn how long she had been working behind the counter at Sherry’s Bakery in Dunn, NC and she told me 17 years. When asked how many hotdogs she served in that period, she laughed and said “Lord, I don’t know. Feels like a million!”

@jenett I no longer have a dedicated website for it. The photos were taken in 2014-15. I started reposting them in May on my blog and you can see the reposts at
I am enjoying your series! I have been doing a similar series for years (no faces, only feet) which is also quite fascinating. Well done!

Not yet... ideally, I'd like to do an installation somewhere. I have lots of photos that are installation worthy, but not a lot of places to exhibit them.

@velocykel I like the site - It lets you upload images up to 15MB and you can do a dedicated series od images

thank you for the suggestion! I will definitley check it out!! Maybe i'll do a virtual online installation after all!

I love this!!! Thank you for thinking of me. You've inspired me, so stay tuned, there is more to come in an online exhibition!