Mixtape Garden

A colorful album cover [Mixtape Garden](mixtape garden
Mixtape Garden is a site for making mixtapes together! Here’s how to use it:

  1. Make an account and log in
  2. Make a new mixtape
  3. You and other users add seven YouTube videos to the mixtape

Once it’s full, your mixtape will be automatically converted into a single, crossfaded mp3 that can be streamed or downloaded!

Milestone Archive - The History of the Web

A screenshot of the banner for an Internet Museum of Web History

Milestones Archive - The History of the Web,
An interactive timeline dating back to the late 80’s of all the milestones that make the Internet what it is today. If you are of a certain age, depending on when you started paying attention, you may remember everything.

Comeback Sauce

Broccoli dipped into a reddish pink sauce in a white bowl

Comeback Sauce Recipe - Budget Bytes,
A delicious sauce you can make at home using a few common ingredients. It was good on Superbowl Sunday, it’ll be good at your house.

Time Guesser - A Photo Game

A clip from the home page where the reader guesses when a photo was taken

This game shows you a photo from history, and you have to guess where and when it was taken. <timeguessr.com>

The Text File That Runs the Internet

A knight in armor on a blue background

David Pierce, the excellent and oft quoted writer from The Verge wrote the story of the week about the robots.txt file and how AI companies are ignoring it, breaking a strong tradition that search companies have long followed..

RSS Parrot

A screenshot of a website that turns a Mastodon feed into an RSS feed

A link from Cory Doctorow, the King of the Internet, RSS Parrot (rss-parrot.net)

Weeklypedia Newsletter

A screenshot of the sign-up page for a weekly newsletter

A fascinating look at what peoiple around the world are learning about this week. Weeklypedia (hatnote.com)