Recent Replies

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    @dsilverman And the winner of today's Internet has just been posted!

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    @superdavey I had to Google that one. It looks like fun (and a giant time suck). Enjoy!

  • Replying to: @pratik

    @pratik Yep. It was a reply to your (very good) post on AI and blogs.

  • Replying to:

    @czottmann You did kinda promise to make some videos yourself too...

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    @ianbetteridge I see what you did there 😄

  • Replying to: @alexink

    @alexink Unfortunately, when I got out of the Army (I was Infantry) it was about the only thing I was qualified to do that offered health insurance, paid leave etc. My starting pay was about $15,000 a year in 1986. It's been 31 years since I've been in a prison, and I still have dreams about it.

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    @ner3y I am Team Omnivore and use it extensively with Obsidian. The times I've reached out to support, they've been very responsive and helpful. It's owned by Substack, so there is a moral dilemma there (with the whole Nazi thing) and it's not always going to be free.

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    @alexink As I mentioned, a fortunate guard duty assignment allowed me to escape this experience in basic training when I was in the Army. I had to endure marching through CS gas with no mask and getting pepper sprayed while undergoing riot training during the time I worked in the prison system. I always hated using pepper spray on an inmate (and the times I used it, the inmate thoroughly deserved it 100% of the time) because the first thing you have to do after you deploy it is take them to the shower, remove the handcuffs and let them clean it off. That all too often resulted in the second scuffle of the shift. No thank you!

  • Replying to: @pratik

    @pratik As a privileged white US citizen, I am very much IDGAF about what I post online, politically or otherwise. I'm of an age where I'll never have to job hunt again. Besides, I have way too much Internet and conventional media history as an unabashed left-wing gadfly to ever try to pass as apolitical or neutral. As far as AI goes, while I don't want my writing used on a content farm somewhere, I don't think a robust robots.txt file is really going to protect me. On my first trip through the blogosphere, I was very much as you described with metatags and SEO tactics. Thankfully the modern structure of the IndieWeb and projects like #WeblogPoMo2024 make all that optimization effort superfluous these days. I cross-post the tech stuff I write to Reddit most of the time, but I've been posting there for 18 years. Thanks to making the Reddit front page a couple of times out of pure luck, I have enough karma ward off accusations of being a shill when I dare to positively rate a product.

  • Replying to: @Havn

    @Havn I'm trying to reduce the ridiculous number of menu bar apps I'm running for one thing. I have yet to run into a situation where I wanted a feature Raycast doesn't provide. Even though I have Setapp, I'm still offended by Paste's pricing model. When its competitors, like PastePal are a $14.99 one-time purchase, asking $29.99 a year is not something I want to encourage for a utility.

  • Replying to:

    @alexink I love that attitude. I'm glad it paid off for you. My youngest daughter (also a military vet) was very much like that. She would try any sport even if she had never played before. She even made her high-school soccer team solely on grit and hustle.

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    @rmondello I just gotta be me. I've given up on working in the White House. I'm so old that I'll never have to look for a job again. My Reddit account is old enough to vote.

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    @manton Good job on this. I'm with you on about 90% of it. I probably need to take a closer look at my tribalism.

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    @jomalo I hope you have a wonderful time. A European cruise sounds so much more romantic than one of those Carribean things that's so popular where I'm from.

  • Replying to:

    @ianbetteridge As a committed member of Team Obsidian and Team Betteridge, I can't wait to read that article.