I’ve updated my /now page with info on a classic American police procedural series, a British spy TV series, all 21 blog posts from this week, my favorite recent Amazon find and all the bookmarks I added to my personal collection.
π Changing Computer Habits - My computer usage changes little from day to day but massively over the years. - louplummer.lol/changing-…
π When You Don’t Have a Stop Button - What it is like living with a personality that never gets enough of anything pleasurable. - louplummer.lol/when-you-…
What is your IQ
What is your IQ - Your IQ score can vary throughout your life depending on your lifestyle. Heavy drinking is not recommended. - linkage.lol/what-is-y…
π Life Pro Tips for Grouchy People - If you’ve gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, use these tips to survive your day. - louplummer.lol/pro-life-…
Meet a Pop Culture and Internet Ace
Meet a Pop Culture and Internet Ace - Meet one of my favorite bloggers, a guy with an encyclopedic knowledge of some of the most interesting aspects of pop culture over the past 30 years. - linkage.lol/meet-a-po…
π A Fun Day on the Internet - The release of a new social media feature for bloggers made a lot of people happy thanks to a few big helpers. - louplummer.lol/a-fun-day…
Today on App Addict - The Zen Browser - I’ve found myself in a small and unpopular minority over the past couple of years as user and sometimes advocate for Microsoft Edge, mostly because I use it for work where I’m required to use Microsoft Admin Center and the suite of Microsoft 365 apps. I still stand by… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/the-… #Mac Apps π
These Subscriptions Are Worth It
These Subscriptions Are Worth It - No I don’t like subscriptions and yes, I wish I didn’t have so many of them, but some of them do add value to my life. Here are five. - linkage.lol/these-sub…
π Country Music - Commercial, Nashville driven country music is horrible Republican brainwashing and serves the power structure, not the people. - louplummer.lol/country-m…
Today on App Addict - CurrentKey Stats - A Triple Threat App - CurrentKey Stats has several target audiences. β’ Time tracking your app usage and time spent working. Unlike Apple’s Screentime, CurrentKey Stats only tracks an app when it is in the foreground, not the whole time it is open to give you a more accurate view of your time. β’ Controlling… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/curr… #Mac Apps π
Uncle Tupelo Created a Movement
Uncle Tupelo Created a Movement - Uncle Tupelo is the one band I wish I had gotten to see live and in person before they broke up to from Wilco and Son Volt. - linkage.lol/uncle-tup…
π The Real People - To me there is no difference between the people I meet online and the traditional IRL kind. - louplummer.lol/the-real-…
Today on App Addict - Apple Password App Is OK I Guess - I have been using the Apple Passwords App instead of a third-party alternative for a few weeks. I’ve managed to get my work done and not get locked out of any apps, so it’s OK, I guess, but it does not have all the features I’m used to and it… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/appl… #Universal Apps π
Who Doesn't Love a Nap
Who Doesn’t Love a Nap - The benefits of napping and some tips for getting a good one in. - linkage.lol/who-doesn…
π Wayside Road - There is a short country road in a neighboring county where some of my best memories were made. - louplummer.lol/wayside-r…
Today on App Addict - Daily - A Dead Simple Free Task Manager - The Mac ecosystem is not at a loss for task managers. Apple’s own Reminders app has steadily added features over the years, incorporating things like grocery shopping and adding items via Siri. There are full blown GTD systems for executives and others with super complicated lives like Omnifocus. Then there… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/dail… #Mac Apps π
My Favorite Communities on Reddit
My Favorite Communities on Reddit - After 18 years on Reddit, I still go there every day for a mix of tech, politics and practical advice - linkage.lol/my-favori…
Announcing a new blogging adventure - It’s The Appreciation Challenge - Spread the Love, Interact with a different blogger, new social media contact or even a professional writer each day for a week and then share your experience. It’s a way to build community and encourage others. Repost!
Today on App Addict - Surfed - Fell Off, Drowned - I recently saw an announcement for the release of version 3.0 of the Internet history and bookmarking tool Surfed. Previous app store reviews of the app stated that it had a lot of potential but that it wasn’t a mature product. I had hopes that a new version would correct… - apps.louplummer.lol/post/surf… #Universal Apps π