
    If you don’t harbour a deep-seated, conflicted, fundamental resentment for tech, well… you’re probably not a very dedicated geek.

    Matt Gemmell

    Maybe your picture of a sunset looks basically (or even exactly) the same as a thousand other peoples' photos of sunsets, but the journey you took to get to the place where you took that photo is not the same as that taken by all those other photographers. You met different people along the way, you felt different emotions, you learned different things. That is what makes you unique.

    Pete Brown Exploding Comma

    We build these crazy contraptions using fifty different sets of mismatched tools, connect them all together with chewing gum and twine, and then pile billions of bits of junk on top of them. Of course, none of it is going to work properly. TBH most of the time I’m surprised any of it even works at all.

    Pete Brown in Exploding Comma

    32-Bit Cafe - Website Ideas You’ve just made a website, but now you’re unsure where to go from here. Here are some ideas for things to add and techniques to earn. It’s a good list.

    Courtey of Jack Baty.

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