
    From my 100 Strangers Project - Irish Mike was walking the streets of Wilmington, NC appropriately clad in green to go with his red hair. He claimed to be a ‘feckin’ leprechaun" when we spoke. Also, he made have had a drink or two.

    A man walking the street with his head turned at an angle

    From my 100 Strangers project - Big Jim works for the rescue squad and they had been called out for some mysterious goings on at an old car wash in a rural area a few miles from Ft. Liberty. He would not tell me what was going on, but he let me take his picture, so it wasn’t a total wash.

    a large man wearing a stocking cap near a building cordoned off with crime scene tape

    From my 100 Strangers Project - Susie was hanging out by the Cape Fear River down on the Wilmington waterfront when I caught her trying out her hula hoop.

    A grown ass woman with sunglasses and a hula hoop

    From my 100 Strangers project - This is a candid shot I took of Scott rather than a portrait, but I liked it the best of the shots I took of him while he was getting his Wilmington, NC sandwich shop ready to open.

    A man sweeping while wearing a waiter's uniform

    From My 100 Strangers project - I caught Vanessa and her large personality downtown on a Sunday afternoon watching her break-dancing friends perform.

     young woman wearing a backwards baseball cap with her arms outstretched looking over her shoulder

    From my 100 Strangers project - William self-described himself as a reformed old drunk and said he has now dedicated his life to helping people.

    An older man, grinning, wearing the skeleton of a backwards baseball hat

    From my 100 Strangers - This is Disha, photographed with her mother’s blessing, at the NC India Festival held in the fall of the year at Dorton Arena in Raleigh. She was nervously waiting to participate in a dancing exhibition.

    A young Indian girl with dark hair and eyes is wearing a traditional Indian headdress and jewelry. She is looking at the camera with a serious expression.

    From my 100 Strangers Project - I met Bryan at the farmer’s market in the small coastal town of Beaufort, NC where people sell their goods under a huge canopy of live oak trees a couple of blocks from the waterfront. He was pretty taciturn and did not have a lot to say.

    A man in a trucker hat

    From my 100 Strangers Project - A rare color picture, to capture the multi-colored chalk on Danielle’s face after she and a friend had been to a Holi festival in lower Manhattan. I caught them heading for the subway.

    A woman with curly hair and a big smile, her face covered in multi-colored chalk

    From my 100 Strangers Project - Jaleesa and Moniek were hanging out with their friends in front of the Art Center downtown for an impromptu, old school break-dancing sesh.

    two young women smiling and holding on to each other

    From my 100 Strangers project - Claire was straddling her bike on the east side of Zucotti Park in NYC. I commented on her jersey proclaiming, “Runs on Plants” and she told me that she is a vegan athlete who manages to participate in endurance sports while sticking to her consumption values.

    A woman with long hair wearing a bicycle jersey that says #NoMeatAthlete

    From My 100 Strangers Project - Alex - a super friendly guy from somewhere other than NC (Russia, actually) wearing a Duke shirt and reading a book about Vikings. I met him while he was sitting in a small Manhattan park with his book.

    A Russian man with a beard wearing a t-shirt with the Duke University logo on it

    From my 100 Strangers project - I caught up with Roland near the Wall Street Bull down in the financial district at the southern tip of Manhattan. He was a British fellow, slightly amused by this forward American who wanted to take a street portrait. He wasn’t up for much gabbing.

    An average looking man wearing a fleece with his hair slightly askew

    From my 100 Strangers project - I met Jamie along with her friend Miranda at a street fair where the two of them were promoting their roller derby team, a sport I thought was long dead.

    An athletic woman in a baseball hat with her hair in a single braid.

    From my 100 Strangers project - While taking Austin’s photo, I caught an unplanned selfie as the reflection in his sunglasses captures me leaning into him to get the shot.

    A man wearing sunglasses reflecting the photographer leaning in for the shot

    From my 100 Strangers project - Specialist Erroll was downtown for a performance of the 82nd Airborne Infantry Division Band where he played a mean trumpet. He was a gracious and friendly guy and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with him between performances. #photography

    a young man in a dress army uniform wearing a beret

    From my 100 Strangers project - Michelle is a member of a belly-dancing club that performs at street festivals. I ran into her before their performance, and she gave me the big smile you see here. The positive vibe I got from meeting her made the rest of night with my camera go well.

    a woman in traditional dress for belly dancing

    From my 100 Strangers project - Mark was at the Beaufort, NC Pirate Festival. In fact, I took this picture only a few hundred yards from where Blackbeard’s ship, Queen Anne’s Revenge went down in the harbor.

    A young man dressed as a pirate, wearing a floppy felt hat

    From my 100 Strangers project - This great big smile belongs to Lawrie who was visiting the historical coastal town of Beaufort, NC with her friends.

    A woman wearing a head band smiling broadly

    From my 100 Strangers Project - Jerry asked me if I knew that you could catch fish at the State Fair. I wasn’t interested in buying a second-hand bass, but he tried his best to talk me into it.

    A man holding a fish mounted on a plaque
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