In a year on Micro.blog I’ve only blocked two people: one was a wealthy blogger who posts nothing but his own paywalled content and the other was attacking people for calling out the fash. I think that’s a pretty good record.
I have it on good authority that this is @manton’s home screen. He also doesn’t exactly know why he has two RSS readers on there. David Pierce from the Installer newsletter from The Verge gave a nice shoutout to Micro.blog today and said that Micro One would be his choice if he were to start a blog.

How do I get a post to show up in the Writing feed on Discover here at Micro.blog? I have tagged entries with the 📝 emoji and assigned them to the category of Writing but they never get added to the feed.
Moderates, liberals, progressives and radicals need to keep their eyes on the prize and not their fingers pointed at each other. If you think tearing down statues is wrong, then don’t tear down any statues. If you think fighting fascists in the street is wrong, then stay on the sidewalk but stay in the struggle. Conversely don’t impose any purity test on middle aged folks who are frightened but still committed to ending white supremacy and the abdication of presidential responsibility. We are all in this together and the enemy of our enemy is our friend. - Me in a 2020 organizing letter
Tomorrow is the day that I will post the 100th Stranger in my street portrait series. For the first time in almost 10 years I will have an online gallery where all the photos can be viewed together. I appreciate all the positive feedback I’ve gotten. It made me feel like a photographer again
Can anyone suggest a good Lemmy server? Trying to avoid right-wingers and crypto-bros. Looking for something tech oriented.
One of my favorite mood lifters is making gratitude lists: home grown tomatoes, the first day it feels like fall, the cool side of the pillow, a good waitress, Bob Dylan, new socks, audiobooks, texts from my kids, days my knees don’t hurt, a good cuppa, a decade and a half of sobriety and you 😉
To all who watched - thanks for taking one for the team!
There are many successful people who live with mental illness and have good jobs and happy lives. More have recovered from depression, anxiety and other short-term illnesses. It concerns me that we are target vulnerable people as scapegoats for our lack of gun control. Fix the real problem.
I have to admit, AI has saved me a lot of time. Every time I start reading about some interesting new app or service or product and see that it has “AI”, I immediately stop reading and don’t waste any more time on that thing. - bit101
The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. - Dorothy Parker
A lack of curiosity is the most unattractive thing I can think of in a person. One of the things I love the most about the Internet is the all you can eat information smorgasbord. I just want to know more, more, more and it is never, ever enough.
Saturday I was bragging about how easy it was for my grandson to set up an old iPad we gave him. Yeah, about that…he’s forgotten his (not written down) pass code with 48 hours and now I have to DFU the thing and set it up all over again. LOL because he called his Nana for help before me.
Today in history, 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games, Americans Tommie Smith and John Carlos with Australian Peter Norman wearing an OPHR badge in solidarity.

JD Vance throws his bacon grease in the garbage can.
Thinking about the possibility of becoming religious after being lucky enough to have a scheduled day off on CrowdStrike Friday. Somebody deserves the credit.
I wish more products came with practical life advice. One of the best things The Rolling Stones ever wrote were the instructions on the LP for Let It Bleed.

When I Quit Social Media
I ditched social media for about 18 months during a time when I decided to dedicate my life to just doing healthy stuff: long daily walks, meditation, reading etc. I was able to do all of that but I missed the good parts, the sense of community, making new connections, keeping up with the online, but still real friends. So, I logged back on, but the prolonged break took all the urgency out of my relationship with social media. It broke the dopamine habit. Now I feel like I can take it or leave it, not addicted or doomscrolling in some guilty and shitty feeling way. I signed on to Mastodon in January and it’s been the best experience ever. It’s full of techy creatives and absent the mindless “look at me” drama from other platforms. I would miss it if I quit, so I don’t plan on doing so.
When people have acted hysterically and you point that out, they get hysterical again. Case in point the recent Internet meltdown over the Bartender app where none of the predictions of evil have come true. Still can’t get folks to get off that ledge. Been fighting rando for two days over this.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that 76% of 642 websites tested used so called “dark patterns”, deceptive practices that put your wallet and your privacy at risk.
Trump’s weaponized incompetence cost countless lives during the pandemic, his commitment to stripping health care from millions is murderous. His courting of war criminals is grotesque. How dare anyone accuse others of not being a good lefty for not handwringing over his near-death experience.