
    Today on AppAddict - a look at task managers and to do apps for Mac with my personal choice, Things 3 highlighted. A two-time Apple design award winner, Things 3 may be the pinnacle of app design in the Apple ecosystem.

    Today on AppAddict - Qspace File Manager is a multi-paned file manager and a replacement for the Finder on macOS. After using Path Finder for 20 years, I recently switched to Qspace for its clean interface and extreme customization options.

    An Obsidian Gem

    An Obsidian Gem , Nicole van der Hoeven makes helpful and informative YouTube videos about Obsidian a PKM and note taking software title. ,…

    Today on AppAddict - TRANSNOMINO is a free file naming utility with professional capabilities using wild cards, regular expressions or file attributes. It took the place of a Better Finder Rename for me.

    Keyboard Maestro Macro to Copy #Obsidian Daily Note to Day One

    I use my Obsidian Daily Note to capture all kinds of data:

    • Task of the day
    • Weather
    • Appointments
    • What I learned
    • What I did
    • What I am grateful for
    • Notes created today
    • Notes modified today
    • Tasks completed today

    I use a Keyboard Maestro macro to copy the note over at the end of the day to Day One, since I’ve been keeping a Day One journal for 10 years and have 18K entries. The one drawback is the data from Dataview queries does not copy over.

    Keyboard Maestro macro

    Today on AppAddict - In Windows, when you hover over an app on the taskbar, the operating system shows you the open windows for that app, a useful feature missing in macOS until now with the introduction of the free menu bar app DockDoor.

    Today on AppAddict - I was reviewing the free and open-source app, Later, designed to save and reopen workspaces when I got a weird warning from Little Snitch and unexplained requests to access different areas of my Mac. Further examination revealed that the app wasn’t notarized. Not recommended!

    Today on AppAddict - Updater apps for Mac - I cover MacUpdater, Latest, CleanMyMac X, Topgrade, Raycast extensions and Applite.

    Today on AppAddict - Coherence and Unite are two apps based on Chromium and WebKit respectively, that improve built-in site-specific browser (SSB) functionality, offering extra tools like ad blocking, incognito mode and extension support.

    Today on App Addict - Explore Little Tagger, a budget-friendly alternative to Hazel for automating basic tagging tasks on your Mac. Learn about its features, pros, and cons, and consider joining the beta for the developer’s upcoming, more advanced tagging app.

    Today on AppAddict - Cryptomator, a free and open-source encryption tool designed to be used with cloud utilities like Google Drive, Dropbox and One Drive, it provides end to end 256-bit AES encryption. There are also versions for Windows and Linux and a paid version ($12.99) for iOS.

    if I Could Only Install 20 Mac Applications

    The Mac Apps Folder

    I’m rather proud of having more than 400 apps installed on my Mac. According to Lingon X, I have 102 apps either as login items or running in the background as helper apps. I have a hobby blog, AppAddict where I write an app review every day, always something I have downloaded, installed and used on my personal Mac. I love my Setapp subscription because it gives me an evergrowing library of high quality apps to try out for the same monthly price. But if all this goodness evaporated suddenly and i was forced to run vanilla Mac OS plus twenty apps to get my work done, which out of all the ones that own would I choose? Answering this requires some tough choices. may of these apps I have been using for more than a decade, although a few have been adopted in the past year.

    1. Obsidian - an extensible note taking app
    2. Clean Shot X - the best screen shot utility
    3. Raycast - an app launcher that handles much more
    4. Keyboard Maestro - the ultimate Mac automation tool
    5. Microsoft Edge - my choice for web browsing for reasons
    6. PopClip - a text selection utility
    7. TextExpander - a snippets app
    8. Drafts - a text automation app
    9. Day One - the preeminent journaling app for macOS
    10. Default Folder X - an enhancement for open and save dialog boxes
    11. Hazel - a Mac automation tool for file management
    12. DropZone 4- a file shelf utility
    13. Toyviewer - a Preview replacement for images with editing capabilities
    14. PathFinder - a replacement for Finder (although I might opt for Qspace)
    15. ScrapPaper - a menu bar utility for floating notes
    16. BarTender - I didn’t buy into the hysteria, I just set up some Little Snitch rules
    17. Better Touch Tool - multi-purpose automation app
    18. Find Any File - a search utility
    19. Things 3- a task manager
    20. Outlook - for better or worse, it’s the email app I use to get work done (note to self: do better)

    Today on AppAddict - A look at text expansion choices for power users - ranging from the native macOS tool to Keyboard Maestro, Raycast/Alfred, Better Touch Tool and single purpose apps like my choice, Text Expander and Expanso.

    Today on AppAddict - Step 2 Offers Two Factor Authentication in a Desktop App With parts of Authy deprecated and others hit by security breaches, you might be looking for a new solution.

    Today on AppAddict - an old mac troubleshooting tool is back and I am feeling nostalgic. [Network Utility is available for download from Devonthink](… totally free. It was part of the OS from the very first days of OS X up until Big Sur.

    Today on App Addict - Disk Drill by Cleverfiles is data recovery software that comes with six free utilities including disk health monitor, Mac cleanup, duplicate finder, recovery drive, data protection and data backup.

    Today marks 100 consecutive days that I have posted a review on AppAddict, a little website that I started on a whim to be able to talk to other people who have a download addiction. It’s done pretty good, been quoted in Lifehacker and the Verge and some developers have been quite nice. I❤️IndyWeb!

    Today on AppAddict - [GoodLinks])( is a dual-purpose app with a lot going for it. It’s both a bookmark manager and a read-it-later app. It’s a one-time $9.99 purchase in the App Store.

    Today on AppAddict - Mac Uninstallers - App Cleaner vs. Pear Cleaner one is more bare bones but thorough. The other has more features but occasionally misses a few files.

    Today on AppAddict - An Unemotional Look at Clean My Mac X - I look at the controversial app without hyperbole or bias and point out its strong and weak points.

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