Paletro - Add a Command Palette to Any App
Today on App Addict - Paletro - Add a Command Palette to Any App - Paletro, by, is a $6.99 utility that gives you a command palette in any app. Large, multifunction apps with many commands like VScode, Sublime Text or Obsidian can have dozens of menu commands and good luck to the intrepid user who tries to remember them all. That’s why those… -… #Mac Apps #Blaugust2024
Quick Note Taking – Type
Today on App Addict - Quick Note Taking – Type - Type is a menu bar app designed with one purpose in mind, to capture time-stamped notes in plain text or Markdown format quickly and to get out of your way. It’s fast and more versatile than using the fn+Q Apple Quick Note feature which doesn’t time stamp and is available… -… #Mac Apps #Blaugust2024
Meteorologist - Free and Open-Source Menu Bar Weather
Today on App Addict - Meteorologist - Free and Open-Source Menu Bar Weather - Keeping track of current weather conditions and forecasts is a breeze (no pun intended) with the free and powerful menu bar app. Meteorologist, a free and open-source utility available on Sourceforge. I’ve user Meteorologist for years and have been impressed by a steady stream of updates.
To save on… -… #Mac Apps #Blaugust2024
Twos App Users Really Love It
Today on App Addict - Twos App Users Really Love It - Every once in a while, an app is so well received that an entire community grows up around it. Evernote used to be like that before it started to suck. Obsidian is like that, just look at the YouTube videos and blogs. I’ve recently discovered that Twos, a combination calendar,… -… #Universal Apps #Blaugust2024
Onyx for Mac
Today on App Addict - Onyx for Mac - Since 2003, Titanium Software has been issuing its free system maintenance and tweaking utility, Onyx for every major release of macOS. Currently there is a mature version of Sonoma and a beta version of Sequoia, although you can still download versions going all the way back to Jaguar, Mac OS… -… #Mac Apps #Blaugust2024
Software for Mounting and Writing to NTFS Drives on a Mac
Today on App Addict - Software for Mounting and Writing to NTFS Drives on a Mac - I need to write to external NTFS formatted drives from my M3 iMac on a regular basis for my job. I investigated the free options, primarily Mounty and found them to have a little too much friction for me on a computer running Sonoma with the aforementioned Apple Silicon. I… -… #Mac Apps #Blaugust2024
Dynamic Lake Pro - An App for the Notch
Today on App Addict - Dynamic Lake Pro - An App for the Notch - In my ongoing search for an app to take advantage of the notch on my M2 MacBook Air, I bought Dynamic Lake Pro today after the developer offered a 20% discount on Reddit. The app provides a variety of information from system controls and applications.
General Controls You can elect… -… #Blaugust2024
NotchNook - Not Ready for Prime Time
Today on App Addict - NotchNook - Not Ready for Prime Time - After reading about NotchNook on Reddit and seeing the 35% off offer from the $25 purchase price, I purchased it to test it out. I reenabled the notch on my MacBook, which I had turned off with Better Monitor. The installation was straightforward, requiring access to the camera, microphone and… -… #Mac Apps #Blaugust2024
Swift Shift - A Free Tool to Move and Resize Windows
Today on App Addict - Swift Shift - A Free Tool to Move and Resize Windows - Using keyboard shortcuts you define, Swift Shift allows you to easily move and resize windows without searching for the title bar or waiting for tiny arrows to appear. On my Mac, I set the hyperkey (CapsLock) to activate move mode. Now, when I press the key, whatever window is under… -… #Mac Apps #Blaugust2024
Musebox - A Photographer's Bargain
Today on App Addict - Musebox - A Photographer’s Bargain - Musebox, a digital asset (photos, graphics, videos) management application by brushedpixel is a remarkable and affordable (one-time purchase of $10 for now) substitute for multi-featured programs like Adobe Lightroom, Apple Photos or Mylio. It has a variety of import, export, editing and management features.
You can import photos from digital… -…
Today on App Addict - Karabiner Elements to the Rescue - After an unexplained failure of a previous workflow, I used the free keyboard mapping utility, Karabiner Elements, to reenable my hyperkey and turn of CapsLock when macOS baled at letting me do it.… #Mac #Blaugust2024
Today on AppAddict - Word Service from Devon Technologies - provides commands for working with text. Extend your word processor, email app, or web browser by reformatting text paragraphs, cleaning up tabs, quotes, or line endings. Remove unwanted text parts, sort lines or paragraphs, change case

Got my 100,000th visitor to my today. People really like to read about Obsidian, LOL. I’ve learned a lot since January and have had so much fun.
Today on AppAddict, Rocket - Free, Slack-Style Emoji Picker by indy developer Matthew Palmer is a free app to help you quickly insert emoji into your typed communications via Slack style shortcuts. By default, if you type a colon and the begin typing the name of an emoji, matching emojis will appear

Thriftmac - Free Mac Software
Thriftmac - Free Mac Software , Thriftmac, a Mac institution since 2006, is a website for discovering and downloading free Mac software. ,…
Today on App Addict - TripMode - Data Usage Monitor and Control - useful when you have to tether your laptop to your phone, and you want to monitor data usage to make sure you’re not syncing cloud drives or downloading huge updates in the background.

Today on App-Addict - Witch from May Tricks is a window switcher that lets you ⌘+tab to an open tab in the Mac browser of your choice, not just Safari. It also features a menu bar switcher and optional vertical or horizontal layouts.

Today on AppAddict - MenuWhere - its single purpose is to pop up the frontmost app’s menus at the current mouse location. By default, it is activated by ⌘ + Right Click, but you can use the built in preferences to activate it totally with the keyboard if you want to.